Table of contents:

15 ways to become more confident and successful
15 ways to become more confident and successful

Success doesn't come by accident. Work on yourself every day.

15 ways to become more confident and succeed
15 ways to become more confident and succeed

1. Train yourself to get up early

The first three hours after waking up is the time when it is easiest to concentrate. The hardest thing in the morning is to force yourself to get up early and endure five minutes of discomfort. The trick is to get out from under the covers right after the alarm and do something. Take a shower or just go to another room. It is important to change your surroundings so as not to succumb to the temptation to lie down again. Otherwise, you will feel guilty all day.

Those five minutes of discomfort will determine whether your day will be successful or mediocre. If your first decision in the morning is to take a nap, what will the others be like? And if you go on like this day after day, what will your life be like?

2. Start your day with the first priority

It's not enough just to get up early. You need to immediately get down to business that is important to you. Writer Stephen Covey explained this concept in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Imagine you have to put stones in a bucket. If you first put small stones, then large ones simply will not fit. But if you do the opposite and put the big stones first, the small ones will easily fill the empty spaces. So it is with deeds.

Deal with the main tasks first, and fill the rest of the day with small tasks.

3. Overcome resistance and do what you avoided

Most likely, you have some important business in your life that you avoid. For example, write a diploma, write a business plan, or learn a foreign language. It is very easy to take up time with urgent tasks and hobbies. But the thought that you are putting off something necessary to achieve your goal will constantly haunt you.

Force yourself to work at least a couple of hours on what you are avoiding. You will surely feel a surge of energy. You will believe in yourself. Your motivation will increase. You will want to do more in other areas of life as well.

4. Use different learning styles

Everyone has their own dominant learning style. We believe that we can develop only within the framework of it. And we consider styles that are unusual for us to be inaccessible: they are simply too heavy for us.

For example, you like and are good at math. You have an analytical mind, you see problems and setbacks as opportunities to learn something. You are confident that you can become even better at math. But you don't like writing. You think that this is not yours and you will never succeed. It's just that it's not in you.

This is not true. Different learning styles are available to everyone. By doing things that seem difficult to you, you activate areas of the brain that you have not previously used. You are moving towards goals that were outside your comfort zone.

You become more confident when you see that you are doing something difficult.

5. Be clear about the reasons for your goals

Think about what you want. Then ask yourself why this is so important to you. Don't hesitate too long. Answer the first thing that comes to mind.

For example, if you want to work from home, the chain of questions would be something like this. Why is it important for me to work from home? I need a flexible schedule. Why is flexible hours important to me? This way I feel less stress and pressure. Why is it important for me to feel less stress and pressure? I work better and feel happier when I am in control of my life.

Do this exercise for each of your goals. Try to ask seven questions per target.

Being honest with yourself can reveal the key events that have shaped your personality.

Often we see only our superficial motivation. As a result, our actions do not come from our real aspiration. Understand your deepest motivation. Then remind yourself of her every day.

6. Try to give more than take

There are people who take but give nothing in return. They only start a relationship to get something from another person. Any communication for them is a deal.

If they do give something, it is only up to a certain point. Until we got what we needed from you. They don't appreciate what other people give them and are grateful only if they get what they want. If not, they cut all ties with you.

7. Maintain relationships only with those who give a lot

When both people give a lot, they change and learn something new from each other. Therefore, it is not enough just to be the one who gives. It is necessary to give to those who give in return. Successful long-term relationships can be built with such people. They sincerely help and do not ask for anything for it. They are truly happy for you when you are successful. They support and do not give up in difficult times.

8. Believe that you deserve more

Your life reflects your idea of what you deserve. As you strive to give more to people, this view expands. It grows with the desire to help others. In psychology, this is called the theory of expectations. It is based on the following:

  • How badly you want something.
  • How much you believe you can do it or get it.
  • How much you believe that your actions will help you achieve your desired goal.

As you develop your skills and self-confidence, your expectations go up. The future is becoming predictable.

9. First, decide what you want from life, and then figure out how to achieve it

Usually the salary dictates the lifestyle. If you get a lot, you spend a lot. But it's wiser to decide what you want first. And then think about how to achieve this.

There is nothing wrong with wanting more. The problem appears when you become addicted to things. Money is a tool. The more you earn, the more useful you can do.

Don't tailor your dreams to fit your lifestyle. Tailor your lifestyle to your dreams.

10. Always give more than you promise

To build a sustainable business, give customers more than they expect for their money. Focus on value, not price.

When you are used to giving, you enjoy a job well done. You appreciate that people come to you for a product or service.

If you want to grow your customer base, give away a lot for free. But these free services must have value for customers. Then they will come to you for something more.

11. Change your behavior to change yourself

Our behavior changes our personality. We are used to thinking the other way around. It seems to us that thinking determines everything. This is not true. Self-perception is the result of our decisions and our environment. This means that you can change yourself by changing your behavior and environment.

If you want more creativity in life, create more often. If you want to be an early riser, start getting up earlier. Overcome resistance and take action.

12. Become the best at what you do

Know your niche and your audience. Identify your ideal customer not by demographic, but by what kind of problem they have.

  • What difficulties does he face?
  • How can you help?
  • How will you change the client's life for the better?
  • Why is your service better than your competitors?

To do this, develop a philosophy and services that solve the problems of your potential customers.

13. Develop communication skills

Learn to speak simply, clearly and succinctly. This will increase your chances of success. Few companies clearly explain why they do what they do. What's your goal? Why does your company exist? Why should anyone care?

There are two ways to influence. You can manipulate or inspire people. We reach out to leaders and organizations who know how to explain what they believe in and why they do their job. The feeling that we are part of something larger inspires us. We would like to deal with such a company.

14. Learn in front of everyone

Learn from your own experience, from your mistakes and failures. Don't be afraid to do it in front of everyone. Surround yourself with people who will support you. Find someone to give advice. When you follow advice and achieve good results, people want to help you even more. After all, your successes reflect their efforts.

Don't be afraid to look stupid. Your courage will pay off. Not only will you learn faster, but you will also earn respect.

15. In the evening, mentally prepare for the next day

A successful morning starts in the evening. Take a few minutes to decide what to do in the morning. You don't have to make a long to-do list. It is enough to know what you will do first.

Meditate, tune in to achieve your goals. Then, after awakening, you will already be focused on success. All that remains is to get out of bed. Resist the temptation to lie down a little longer. You do not need to make a decision to get up or not get up, you have already made it in the evening.

Your morning and your life will not be successful by accident. To do this, you need to make a choice.
