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10 hacks for your body
10 hacks for your body

In this article, you will find a selection of amazing tricks that involve the human body.

10 hacks for your body
10 hacks for your body

The human body is such a complex subject that even in our time it has not been fully investigated. We gaze intently at the universe and plunge into the depths of the ocean, but we are in no hurry to study what is literally under our noses.

In this article, you will find a selection of amazing tricks that involve the human body. Some of them have a clear scientific explanation, others look like mysticism. But they all work.

How to get rid of the urge to sneeze

An unexpected sneeze at the wrong time can ruin your or someone else's performance, a solemn moment, or destroy the model of the galactic ship that you have carefully assembled. To get rid of a quick and irresistible urge to sneeze, just look at a bright light source.

How to get rid of heartburn

A wide variety of stomach problems can cause heartburn. But in some cases it starts from the fact that you sleep on your right side. This causes your stomach to be higher than the esophagus, which contributes to a burning sensation in the esophagus. Try sleeping on your left side to reduce nighttime heartburn.

How to hold your breath longer

You can hold your breath for a much longer time if you do preliminary hyperventilation of the lungs. Having made a few short, intense breaths beforehand, you will receive an additional dose of oxygen, which will help you hold your breath longer.

How to improve your hearing

Can't hear a conversation in a noisy place or through interference on the handset? Then turn to the source with your right ear, so you will better feel the rhythmic pattern of speech. And if you need to determine which song is playing in the background in the supermarket, then use your left ear, which is better at handling musical sounds.

How to reduce toothache

Take an ice cube and place it on the area between your thumb and forefinger in your palm. According to the latest research, such a measure can reduce pain from an unhealthy tooth in half.

How to avoid side pain while running

When running, most people exhale while touching the ground with their right foot. This has an additional effect on the liver and leads to discomfort. Just try to train yourself to exhale to the left, and tingling in the side will be a thing of the past.

How to relieve a sore throat

There is nothing worse than itching in a place you cannot scratch. If you have a sore throat, try scratching your ear. When the nerve endings on the earlobes are stimulated, it acts on the muscles of the larynx, relieving the spasm and relaxing them.

How to hold back tears

There are times in life when it is difficult to hold back tears even for people hardened by life. If you don't want to show your wet emotions in public, then just try to hold out as long as possible without blinking. It is even better if you look upward (only with your pupils, without tilting your head) - in this case, it is possible to stop even the incipient release of tears.

How to get rid of hiccups

Irresistible hiccups arise from nowhere and can even infect others. There are a huge number of ways to deal with it, but one of the most common is to hold your breath for as long as possible.

How to control gagging

If you are seasick in transport or get poisoned, then you may feel the urge to empty your stomach at the most inopportune time. To calm your body a little and hold out until you arrive at a safe place, try to squeeze your thumb very tightly on your hand.
