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8 reasons to read aloud to children
8 reasons to read aloud to children

Reading aloud is not just a good family tradition, but a turbo method of brain development for your child.

8 reasons to read aloud to children
8 reasons to read aloud to children

1. Expand vocabulary

The child will learn to speak in any case, listening to the speech of adults. However, children whose parents read books aloud to them express their thoughts more coherently and colorfully and retain their attention better, because the book language is much more difficult than the spoken language.


Oleg Ivanov psychologist, conflictologist, head of the Center for Settlement of Social Conflicts

Reading aloud expands vocabulary, prepares for independent reading, contributes to the better development of concepts in children.

2. Train your memory

Listening to a fairy tale or a poem, the child first remembers the characters and the rhythm, and then the meaning of the work. So he gradually develops figurative and verbal-logical memory. To help your child, ask him what story you recently read, ask him to tell you the key points. The skill of retelling will be useful to him in life. It is also helpful to memorize poems.

3. Develop imagination and imaginative thinking

Imagination is a complex cognitive process, the foundations of which are laid up to three years. At the same time, the scope of imagination depends on the past experience. In order not to miss the moment, parents should read books to their children. Events occurring in fairy tales are perceived by the brain as experienced in reality. This phenomenon is known as embodied cognition.


Nina Shadurova psychologist and methodologist of the educational center "Plombir"

Listening to a fairy tale, poem or story, the kid learns to imagine the situation described, he can play it first as it is written, and then change something in it, add something new.

4. Fall in love with reading

A book is a best friend and a gift, but only a person who is in love with a book himself can fall in love with reading. Read to your child with pleasure and expression, so that he understands how interesting and fun it is to immerse yourself in a new unknown world.

5. Broaden your horizons

From children's books we learn about space, animals, people, plants, phenomena. The child is happy with any new information, but usually waits for texts on "his" topic. Choose books together to make your child more interesting to listen to and develop. Let the child ask questions as he reads: this is how he learns to think logically.

To make it interesting for your child to listen to you, find something that will captivate him. But remember to alternate books to broaden your horizons.

Oleg Ivanov

6. Communicate on important topics

In fairy tales, children often meet for the first time with the confrontation between good and evil, problems of moral choice, and tragedies. Therefore, it is important for the parent not to mechanically read the book, but to try to discuss it with the child. Ask how he would have acted in the place of the conditional Ivan Tsarevich. So he will become an active listener, develop analytical thinking and empathy.

On the heroes of the books, you can study various models of behavior of good and evil heroes, come up with an alternative ending and thus introduce an element of the game.

Oleg Ivanov

7. Tune in to sleep

Reading at night is a great family tradition. It strengthens relationships and helps everyone involved in the process to tune in to a sweet dream. Reading ‘can help reduce stress’ has been proven that reading reduces heart rate and relaxes muscles by 68%. Therefore, read to your children for at least 15-20 minutes. Especially if you disappear at work all day.


Julia Radionova family psychologist

Whatever happens, the child knows that today mom reads a fairy tale before bedtime. It helps to calm down, helps to cope with stress, strong emotions.

8. Distract yourself and work on yourself

By reading fairy tales to children, you switch from work tasks, relieve stress and develop your own speech. Read clearly and expressively and emphasize the sentence. Thus, you improve your diction and intonation.


Elena Garanina psychologist at the FEFU Medical Center

People who regularly read aloud speak more confidently and make fewer verbal errors, which results in them being perceived as more authoritative and trustworthy.
