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5 lessons from the movie "Platform" - the most important dystopia of today
5 lessons from the movie "Platform" - the most important dystopia of today

Netflix released a metaphorical picture that turned out to be frighteningly realistic during the crisis and pandemic.

5 life lessons from the movie "Platform" - the most important dystopia of today
5 life lessons from the movie "Platform" - the most important dystopia of today

The Spanish film "Platform" has become available on the largest streaming service. Its premiere took place in the fall of 2019. After the Toronto Film Festival, Netflix acquired the international distribution rights for the film. And he released it at the most relevant time for this: against the backdrop of the financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The tape does not speak directly about all modern problems, it can rather be considered an allegory and even a parable. But this is what makes the plot even more impressive.

The main character named Goreng wakes up in a kind of prison. And soon they show that he came there voluntarily, hoping to then receive a certain certificate. The prison consists of many cells, one above the other. Each has only two people. And in the center of the room there is a hole into which a table with food descends for a couple of minutes a day. He drives from the upper floors to the lower ones. And all prisoners can only eat in turn, if, of course, they have something left. Usually, even scraps do not reach the lower floors, and those who are there have to survive in the most cruel ways.

In the prison, which is called the "Hole", there are several rules: you can take only one item with you, you can not save any food. But most importantly, the prisoners are swapped once a month. And no one knows what level he will get to.

We will not retell the plot of the picture, it is better to look at it yourself. But the film's metaphor allows us to draw several important conclusions about modern society. And today they are more important than ever.

1. In difficult times, everyone dumps the blame on society, forgetting about their responsibility

The organization of food in the "Hole" works very well. Each person is asked about their favorite food before being placed in a cell. All this is on the table. And if everyone eats as much as they need, then everyone will get enough, and even what they like.

But no one does that. On the upper floors, everyone grabs food indiscriminately and gorges. Therefore, the next get only leftovers, and many even turn out to be hungry. No one wants to take care of others for one reason. Everyone believes that his refusal will not affect anything. All the rest in any case will continue to take food from others, and therefore you can not limit yourself in anything.

Film "Platform"
Film "Platform"

This topic has been relevant for a very long time. For example, many people believe that the garbage bag they throw away will not affect the environment in any way. But now the question is even more acute: the plot is too similar to the madness happening today in stores and pharmacies. People buy unnecessary buckwheat, pasta, toilet paper, as well as (more importantly) antiseptic and masks in completely unrealistic quantities. As a result, others simply do not have enough products.

Or, many ignore calls for self-isolation and calmly go for a walk with the whole family in shopping centers or go by public transport with friends to a bar.

And at the same time, everyone sincerely believes that his intervention did not affect the overall picture in any way. “Everybody does it” is the most common excuse for such hysteria. And in the end, this can turn into a disaster for a particular person. In the world of "Platform", he will die of hunger, but in reality, he will be infected with a virus.

2. The stratification of society is a common fault

In most dystopias, where people are divided into classes or levels (for example, paintings "Through the Snow" or "High-rise"), it is usually said that someone outside created inequality. Most often these are representatives of the privileged strata. But the "Platform" shows a more realistic and timely interpretation.

As in life, everyone despises those below and envies those who are fortunate. People on the upper floors eat more than they need, spoil the rest, and even piss into the hole above. But at one point, everything can change. And those who should be perfectly aware of their troubles while on the lower floors, in a strange way, become no less cruel. They do not try to take care of the rest, but only take advantage of their position.

Film "Platform" - 2020
Film "Platform" - 2020

This picture can be seen everywhere. Everyone swears at officials and bosses who use their privileges at the expense of others. But as soon as a person receives such opportunities, he begins to behave similarly.

At the same time, in times of crisis, one should not forget that yesterday's successful businessman may go broke tomorrow and become a taxi driver or a courier, to be in the place of those whom he despised. By the way, because of such instability, many are trying to snatch their piece, robbing others. Instead of establishing a system where everyone will support each other.

3. Sometimes calls for order have to be reinforced with force

At a certain moment, Goreng and his new comrades decide to somehow change the system and arrange the distribution of products across all floors. However, they soon face the main problem: everyone chooses to ignore the calls and live as before.

As a result, persuasion has to be supplemented with threats or even force. Moreover, each time the heroes try to first explain the general benefits of this event. Everyone understands it, but does not want to agree: at the upper levels they are in a hurry to enjoy luxury, and at the lower ones they are too hungry to think about others.

Therefore, the heroes themselves have to become very cruel and distribute portions literally under the threat of death.

Film "Platform" on "Netflix"
Film "Platform" on "Netflix"

In reality, in different countries, in the same way, it is necessary to introduce fines for violating the quarantine regime. Or, if we talk not only about today, punish for environmental pollution. Indeed, many, even if they understand that they are doing wrong, prefer to live in the old way.

4. The line between reasonable selfishness and cruelty is very thin

The neighbor, with whom Goreng was in the cell, has been sitting in the "Hole" for a very long time. And he adapted himself to the lack of food in the most brutal way. And he considers this to be the only reasonable way out: only his own life is important to a prisoner, no matter what happens to the rest.

The trouble is that the hero does not even want to discuss other ways to solve the problem, considering selfishness to be justified. But in reality, he just turned into a cruel maniac, unable to appreciate others.

Film "Platform" - 2019
Film "Platform" - 2019

This theme also returns to real events. In difficult times, some employers begin to deceive or threaten to fire employees or fail to pay them due salaries. Or, on the contrary, being afraid of losing profits, they do not let people go to work remotely.

They may think they are taking care of themselves that way. In fact, they simply endanger the lives of others.

5. What is self-isolation for one person, prison for another

As already mentioned, the main character came to prison voluntarily. He, of course, did not know what was going on inside, but he knew how long he would stay in isolation. The reason is simple: Goreng wanted to quit smoking and finish reading an interesting book. And the hero was not at all worried that he would spend six months in an enclosed space.

And his neighbor was put in a cell as punishment for a crime. And he considered it a prison term.


Aside from the brutality that Goreng faced, this is very similar to the current attitudes of different people towards remote work and self-isolation. Some people enjoy spending time at home, and perhaps they have tried not to go outside once again before. For others, this is a real punishment, and they suffer every day, waiting for a return to society.

These ideas are immediately apparent. In fact, "Platform" is much deeper and more metaphorical. Everyone can decide for themselves how to relate to the ambiguous ending of the film.

Yet the most direct and obvious thoughts from this picture in a strange way coincided with the current realities. Perhaps this rough and sometimes even unpleasant film will once again remind about the problems of society and make everyone think about their own fault in what is happening.
