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How to Know When You Need to Take Protein Supplements
How to Know When You Need to Take Protein Supplements


We figure out how much of this substance should be in food, what foods it contains and how to make a diet taking into account the needs of the body.

How to Know When You Need to Take Protein Supplements
How to Know When You Need to Take Protein Supplements

What is protein and why is it needed

Protein is a macronutrient, which is a basic nutrient. In Russian, it is often called simply a protein, and in many other languages the word "protein" means exactly protein. Athletes, on the other hand, mean protein supplements by protein. In any case, protein and protein are synonymous words. And they mean the same thing - a macronutrient.

There are a lot of protein molecules in the world. Together with enzymatic proteins, the human body contains more than 20,000 of them: in muscles, bones, skin, hair - in any tissue. Enzyme proteins trigger chemical reactions in our body, hemoglobin (also a protein) in the blood carries oxygen.

Without proteins, our body simply will not work and live at all. Proteins are needed as building blocks for new cells. And they also provide metabolism, help the immune system to cope with infections. With their lack in nutrition, all these processes are disrupted - with different, but always sad consequences.

The proteins themselves are composed of special organic compounds - amino acids. Some of them we can synthesize ourselves, they are called interchangeable. We get some only with food - these are essential amino acids, there are only nine of them. Strictly speaking, this division is very arbitrary. After all, the synthesis of amino acids is a complex process, and some replaceable ones are obtained from the irreplaceable ones. The main thing to know about this is that our food should have enough of all amino acids at once.

Therefore, when you need to create a balanced diet, you should include as many foods as possible. These are, for example, at least eggs, cottage cheese, legumes, various types of meat. Making a menu that includes more of these foods is realistic, but not easy. Not to mention following it. Therefore, if there is a need for protein supplements, you need to look for those that contain essential amino acids. And there are nine of them from Amway.

NUTRILITE ™ Protein Powder is a complete plant protein that is easy to dose and add to your daily diet to replenish your protein intake.

How Much Protein Should You Eat Daily

How Much Protein Should You Eat Daily
How Much Protein Should You Eat Daily

How much protein you need per day depends on many factors: weight, gender, age and exercise. There is no exact figure in grams, you need to determine your rate yourself.

The UK's National Institutes of Health recommends a guideline for calorie intake. Thus, the protein norm for a healthy adult should be 10–35% of the daily calorie intake. In other words, if you consume 2,000 calories, then you should eat an average of 100 g of protein per day (this is 20%).

People who exercise a lot or physically work out need more protein. Also, protein nutrition is needed for adolescents - for healthy and full-fledged growth and development of the body. And for older adults who naturally lose muscle mass, protein helps them stay in shape.

The Russian Ministry of Health provides clearer standards:

  • The physiological need for protein for the adult population is from 65 to 117 g per day for men and from 58 to 87 g per day for women.
  • Physiological protein requirements for children under 1 year old are 2, 2–2, 9 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. Children over 1 year old - from 36 to 87 g per day.

In 2015, scientists held a summit dedicated to the problem of protein intake. On it, they came to the following conclusions:

  • To maintain metabolism and muscle mass during normal exercise, you need to consume at least 1–1, 2 g of protein per kg of body weight.
  • Older adults should increase their protein intake to 1.5 g for each kg of body weight.
  • With strong physical exertion, you need to consume 1, 6-2 g of protein for each kg of body weight every day.

Which option should you choose? It is better to calculate the protein norm per kilogram of body weight according to the recommendations of the summit. If we estimate the average weight of men and women, it turns out that these norms fit into Russian recommendations.

Where to find protein

Obviously in food. And it is better, as mentioned above, if this food is varied.

Where to find protein
Where to find protein
Where to find protein
Where to find protein

Why Protein Supplements

Under ideal conditions, with a balanced diet and no noticeable stress, they are not needed: what a person gets from food is quite enough.

But there are situations when you can't eat so much. For example, someone does not like meat, but someone generally adheres to a vegetarian diet and does not even consume dairy products. Then you need to think about what protein sources you can use, and choose them in consultation with a specialist.

With physical activity, protein intake rates are increased. Therefore, protein is often used by athletes: they cannot get as much meat, eggs and milk as they need for muscle growth with regular food.

How natural can protein from a can be considered?

It is protein products that can be completely natural. Protein molecules are obtained from goat or cow milk, as well as from plant materials. Food additives - sweeteners, flavorings - can be "unnatural". But it is quite possible to find protein without these components.

NUTRILITE ™ contains nine essential amino acids, but nothing is superfluous. No flavors, colors or sweeteners. This protein does not affect the taste of the product, so it can be added to a variety of dishes: baked goods, dairy products or smoothies.

NUTRILITE ™ Protein Powder is suitable for vegetarians and even vegans. The thing is that it consists exclusively of plant products: soybeans, peas and wheat. There are no preservatives in it. More information on the ingredients in its composition can be found on the label.

And the manufacturer grows plant raw materials for additives on their own organic farms - with care for the environment.

Could protein be harmful?

Our body is designed in such a way that any "bias" can negatively affect it. Eating predominantly protein can lead to long-term health problems:

  • With a lack of fiber and carbohydrates in the diet and an emphasis on a meat diet, bad breath may appear.
  • Too much fatty meat in your diet increases your risk of heart disease.
  • A high protein diet can harm people with kidney disease.

But these risks can be mitigated by avoiding a protein diet and eating fresh fruits and vegetables every day - that is, creating a balanced meal plan.
