5 things you need to know if you're in your twenties and thirties
5 things you need to know if you're in your twenties and thirties

When you are twenty, it seems that there is a fun and hassle-free life ahead. And with this feeling you will live the next ten years, "enjoy youth." Then one night a thirty knocks on the door. And you realize that the most productive time of your life was spent god knows what. So, what do you need to know about the time between twenty and thirty years.

5 things you need to know if you are in your twenties and thirties
5 things you need to know if you are in your twenties and thirties

The big mistake of the new millennium is that the age from twenty to thirty is considered the age when "you can take a walk." Allegedly "thirty is the new twenty." There is a lot of health, a lot of strength, and it seems that it will always be so. But this is a deceptive position.

Scientists have proven that 80% of fateful events occur in a person's life before thirty-five years.

Two-thirds of the growth in income comes from the first ten years of a career. By the age of thirty, more than half of people get married, start dating or live with future life partners. A person's personality changes most actively from twenty to thirty years. By the age of thirty, the human brain completes its development. A woman's reproductive function peaks by the age of twenty-eight.

"After thirty, I will heal for real!"

There is one interesting myth that haunts those who are between twenty and thirty. People at this age think that after thirty, life will quickly change and become much cooler than at twenty. It seems to us that if nothing interesting happens in our lives at twenty-something, then it will happen after thirty. It seems to us that the most interesting things will come later.

However, in one of the few studies, researchers at Boston and Michigan Universities analyzed hundreds of stories written by prominent people at the end of their earthly journey. They found out that important events took place from birth to death, but still that part of them that determined further life fell on the period from twenty to thirty years.

What really happens after thirty?

If you don't accumulate any platform before thirty, then a very sad and heavy ten awaits us. When we leave everything for later, after thirty, a huge burden falls on our shoulders: we need to be successful in something, get married or get married and have children, make money and buy an apartment, start a business or get a promotion - and all this in a very short time. Many of these tasks are simply incompatible; besides, after thirty it is much more difficult to do all of this at the same time.

The best time to build a career

The most important career events, oddly enough, take place at this particular time.

About two-thirds of the increase in wages occurs in the first ten years of professional activity.

In their twenties, people may have the feeling that there are still dozens of years ahead, during which they will earn more and more, but these are only dreams. No matter how well this period goes, those who started making their careers late enough will never be able to overcome the chasm separating them from those who began to move up the career ladder earlier. Do you remember the 10,000 hour rule?

Serious approach to relationships

If building a career can be compared to playing blackjack (when you need to see the cards while making decisions; play with two hands, remembering the current winnings; be ready to take risks), then choosing a life partner is like going to the roulette wheel and bet all your chips are on red.

Your choice of partner and all the related aspects of adult life depend on one decision. Money, work, lifestyle, family, health, leisure, retirement and even death all turn into a pair race (where one runner's foot is tied to another's).

Therefore, when at twenty years old people put off the creation of a serious relationship until later, it is worthwhile to understand that at thirty it will be much more difficult to do it.

Inaction between twenty and thirty is dangerous. Of course, after thirty, the brain remains plastic, but it no longer develops at such a frantic pace as before. These golden ten years are the easiest time to become who we hope to be. Don't oversleep him.

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