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How to distinguish real honey from fake
How to distinguish real honey from fake

Unscrupulous manufacturers often try to disguise a fake as natural honey. There are several easy ways to tell the difference between quality honey and fake honey.

How to distinguish real honey from fake
How to distinguish real honey from fake

1. Look at the consistency

Natural honey can be liquid only for a month after it has been collected. Honey collection lasts from late July to late September. If you are offered liquid honey in the winter, it is most likely unnatural. High-quality real honey by this time should thicken and begin to crystallize.

2. Check if the honey is foaming

If honey foams on the surface, it means that fermentation processes are taking place in it. It starts when the volume of water in honey exceeds 20%. Such honey is definitely unnatural.

3. Smell the honey

Natural honey always has a characteristic scent. If the honey doesn't smell like anything, it was produced artificially.

4. Check if the honey is flaking

Take a close look at the container with honey and check if the mass is homogeneous. If the honey seems denser at the bottom of the jar and thinner at the top, this is a fake. Most likely, the manufacturer added an impurity. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers put a mixture of semolina with molasses at the bottom of the can.

5. Never mind the color

The color is not an indicator of the quality of the honey, it can only speak of its variety. For example, buckwheat and cherry honey is usually dark brown, while acacia honey is light. Other types of honey can be dark amber, amber, light yellow and even almost white.
