Table of contents:

Successful morning rituals: 7 inspiring stories
Successful morning rituals: 7 inspiring stories

Find out how business leaders, athletes, and other great people start their day.

Morning rituals for successful people: 7 inspiring stories
Morning rituals for successful people: 7 inspiring stories

1. Sharri Lansing

Sherri Lansing morning rituals
Sherri Lansing morning rituals

Sherri pays special attention to morning workouts and goes in for sports at least four times a week. According to her, physical activity should be treated as responsibly as important business meetings - not to be missed in any case.

Of course, there are unforeseen circumstances that force you to postpone training to the background, but this is not a reason to reproach yourself. You just need to try to return to the regime and observe it for at least two weeks. Almost immediately, you will notice how your mood improves and your productivity improves.

2. Ed Catmell

Ed Catmell Morning Rituals
Ed Catmell Morning Rituals

Ed is afraid of inadvertently waking his wife up, so he sets the alarm to go up. As soon as the first one beeps, he instantly wakes up and turns it off. Before his morning workout, Ed will certainly meditate for 30-60 minutes.

It is always some form of vipassana. For example, focusing on breathing. Ed shares that he benefited from the ability to turn off his inner voice.

I realized that this voice is not me at all and that I do not need to constantly analyze the events of the past, or think too much about the future. And this knowledge helped me to focus and pause before reacting to unforeseen events.

Ed Catmell

3. Biz Stone

Biz Stone Morning Rituals
Biz Stone Morning Rituals

For Biz, the best alarm clock is his five-year-old son. Every morning he comes to his father, and they play together. And this has been a tradition for several years. At this time there is no place for a telephone. Biz leaves the smartphone turned off the day before at the front door so as not to forget it on the way to work.

If I don't have the opportunity to play with my son in the morning, I feel like I missed something important that I will never return. It's such a joy to wake up and be a five-year-old before taking on a leadership role.

Biz Stone

4. El Luna

El Luna morning rituals
El Luna morning rituals

El pays great attention to her dreams. Every morning, being between the state of sleep and wakefulness, she records her dreams on a dictaphone and immediately shares the feelings from what she saw. El is confident that these images and plots contain clues and clues to understanding what is really happening to us.

The girl does not turn to dream books - she says that our own interpretations are much more important. After breakfast, El proceeds to "Empty Head Notes" - three pages of handwritten thoughts. You can fix anything on paper, because it is intended only for your eyes.

Practicing morning pages is a bit like sweeping floors - you just feel better afterwards.

El Luna

5. Austin Cleon

Austin Cleon Morning Rituals
Austin Cleon Morning Rituals

Almost every morning, in any weather, Austin and his wife put their two sons in a red double carriage and go on a five-kilometer walk around the neighborhood. He admits that this is often quite difficult, and sometimes even requires tremendous effort, but it is extremely important for the next day.

That's when we get interesting ideas. This is the time when we make plans, observe the wildlife of our suburbs, talk about politics and exorcise our demons.

Austin Cleon

Austin almost never makes morning appointments or goes to morning interviews, taking the time to go out with his family.

6. Jeff Colvin

Morning Rituals by Jeff Colvin
Morning Rituals by Jeff Colvin

Jeff gets up at the seventh hour and drinks three glasses of water in the first minutes after waking up. He claims that this is what allows the body and brain to be awakened. Then he stretches and runs 10 kilometers, followed by a shower, breakfast and work.

Jeff sleeps at least 9 hours. He himself says that this is a lot, but he is not going to give up his approach. For breakfast, he uses one of four types of oatmeal: unprocessed oats, coarse oat flour, cereal, or a mixture of oat bran and wheat. All cereals are cooked with skim milk, not water.

But the most important part of the morning is making a to-do list for the day - Jeff immediately identifies the most important and difficult points and starts his work with them first.

7. Rebecca Soni

Rebecca Soni's morning rituals
Rebecca Soni's morning rituals

Rebecca always plans the next day before going to bed. As a home-based entrepreneur, she has to make many small decisions every day. She found that planning is great for avoiding fatigue the next morning.

She uses this approach not only in work, but also in sports. For example, if an early workout is scheduled, then the sports uniform will be prepared in the evening. If any of the morning rituals are violated, Rebecca may feel a little dispersed. But it motivates to pack up and do everything right the next morning: waking up early, a glass of water, sports, breakfast and planning.

Book “Morning Rituals. How successful people start their day "
Book “Morning Rituals. How successful people start their day "

The material was prepared on the basis of the book "". With it, you can figure out how to start your day and develop new habits that will help you grow. The first hour after waking up is the foundation on which the whole day stands. Remember, you are not working for the rituals; they are working for you.

This book is based on over 300 morning routine interviews. In addition, it includes 64 conversations with a wide variety of successful people - from a retired US Army general to a three-time Olympic swimming champion.
