Table of contents:

Why we start journaling and how it saves us
Why we start journaling and how it saves us

Whenever you started keeping a diary - in your youth, writing down your rosy dreams, or in adulthood, analyzing what is happening in life - he saved you from something and taught you something.

Why we start journaling and how it saves us
Why we start journaling and how it saves us

Miranda from Fowles' The Collector began keeping a diary, trapped for a long time in the trap of a calculating maniac. Robinson Crusoe - when he was alone on a desert island. The diary was kept by Pechorin from A Hero of Our Time. She was Misty Mary Wilmot's record in Chuck Palahniuk's Diary as her husband lay unconscious in the hospital after a suicide attempt.

We begin to do this at different ages and under different life circumstances. Yes, we are not heroes of the world classics. But we write in the same way line by line, pouring our thoughts onto the paper. And just like for these heroes, the diary is a salvation and an outlet for us. But from what? And, more importantly, how to use it correctly?

Diary - salvation from loneliness

Robinson Crusoe escaped from boundless loneliness and quietly creeping madness. Just like many of us. Often, it is the diary that becomes our best friend and interlocutor when the right people are not around. My father began to keep a personal diary in the army, and I started at school, when I could not come to an understanding with my peers. The diary saves us from loneliness, feelings of loss, isolation in ourselves.

For two years I did not write a diary and thought that I would never return to this childishness. And this was not childishness, but a conversation with oneself, with that true, divine self that lives in every person. All the time this "I" was asleep, and I had no one to talk to.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy "Resurrection"

Advice. Feel free to “chat” with the diary. Contact him, talk about what is happening in your life, share your emotions. Nobody will read it. Nobody will blame you for this. Sometimes the diary becomes the best listener who doesn't rush, doesn't interrupt, doesn't ask again. Appreciate it.

Diary - a way of self-expression

Someone writes poetry, someone - paintings, someone creates stunning sculptures, and someone composes music. You can do absolutely ordinary work, but at the same time write in a journal every day. This is your way of expressing yourself, revealing your personality and at the same time not flaunting it.

Advice. Don't frame yourself. Who said that it is imperative to start with "Hello, dear diary …" and end with an official farewell. Who said that you need to put down dates, that you cannot write down the quotes you like, that you cannot draw. Your diary is your creativity. There are no frames. Transfer yourself to paper. And at least here do what you really want.

Diary - a contribution to eternity

The imperishable diaries of Bunin, the collection of Tolstoy's notes about his stormy youth and conscious maturity, the diaries of Kafka, Kharms, Dali, London, Brodsky - pages that tell us about the authors almost better than works. For you, a diary can also be a contribution to eternity. If you want, one day your children can read it, and then your grandchildren. They can become your own time capsule and something truly imperishable that you managed to create with your own hands. These are the pages that will remember who you were. And they will help you not to lose thoughts, images, memories that are important to you.

Council number 1. Write the truth. Only the truth in your diary will become a true time capsule. If you are not honest, a distorted picture of your past will distort your ideas about yourself in the present.

Council number 2. Decide to write something about which you would prefer to remain silent at first. Understand, your grandchildren will be told where you worked, studied, what an exemplary family man you were, and much more that they will probably be bored to listen to.

The value of your diary will be in your personal stories.

Tell us about your graduation party, university friends, job searches (even if they were not successful at first), mistakes and misdeeds - believe me, this is something that will be imprinted in your memory. The moments that really changed you have influenced your life.

Diary is an outlet

Sometimes we all need to talk. Be completely honest with the person you are talking to. Pour out all your problems and worries, maybe even "dilute the snot". But so that when it happens, only you know about it. No need to strain your friends, and then ask them to pretend like nothing happened. A personal diary will listen to you both when you are sad and when you are angry. He is interested in hearing about your problems at work and in your personal life. He doesn't even need to be treated to a drink before starting. You just open it, grab the handle and let off steam.

Advice. Stop being shy about your emotions. At least here.

Epistola non erubescit ("The letter does not blush").


Diary - method of analysis

We are constantly trying to understand ourselves, what is happening around us, the thoughts and feelings of other people. The more attempts we make and experiments carry out, the more success we achieve.

Advice. Practice more. At least for the sake of interest. When you have a solid base, organize your notes by main directions and topics. To do this, you can use tags and tags in electronic diaries, all kinds of bookmarks - in paper ones.

Diary - a way to be alone with yourself

The heroine of the novel Elchin Safarli went to the seashore and there, all alone, filled the pages full of pain.

Many of us fill out a personal diary at the same time in a certain place. It is at this moment that you can be alone with yourself, with your thoughts and impressions about the past day. Such minutes are very valuable given the modern rhythm of life.

Advice. If you don't already have your own place to keep a diary, start one. Let your family know that in the evening, having closed in your office, you are doing an extremely important matter and you should not be distracted by trifles. Make these 10-30 minutes really yours. If you are not tempted by the thought of filling out the pages of the diary at home, you can take it with you to a coffee shop, park or other place where you will be comfortable with yourself.

A personal diary not only keeps our thoughts and memories. Sometimes he saves us from very real internal threats, acting as a good friend or even a psychologist.

Maybe the diary helped you out during difficult periods of your life? Share your stories in the comments.
