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What you need to know before you start drinking kefir
What you need to know before you start drinking kefir

Kefir is obtained when kefir "fungi" are added to milk and left to ferment for a couple of days. Although this drink is very healthy, it is not suitable for everyone.

What you need to know before you start drinking kefir
What you need to know before you start drinking kefir

1. Can kefir cause stomach cramps?

People with digestive problems can experience these symptoms if they have not eaten foods with live bacteria before. In addition, kefir contains a small amount of carbon dioxide, so if carbonated drinks cause you to bloat, then you may notice a similar effect. If this is the case, start with small portions.

2. How often to drink kefir

If you are just starting out, a small glass of kefir several times a week is enough. Then you can drink it every day. Shann Jones, director of Chuckling Goat, a goat milk products company, recommends drinking 170 ml of kefir a day.

As with probiotics and fermented foods, you shouldn't expect an immediate improvement in digestion. You will see results when kefir becomes a regular part of your diet.

3. Is it possible to drink kefir with lactose intolerance

Yes, there is very little lactose in kefir. When the milk is fermented, the bacteria feed on the sugars, which cause the symptoms of intolerance. Therefore, in kefir, lactose remains less than in ordinary milk.

Those who want to get kefir completely lactose-free can try to make it from coconut or soy milk.

4. Can children drink it

Can. The World Health Organization even specifically recommends it as a source of calcium. If your kids aren't used to fermented milk products, start with small portions.

Also, there is evidence that Lactobacillus reuteri helps young children with colic Colicky baby? Here’s a surprising remedy. …

5. What is healthier: kefir or probiotics in tablets

These are two completely different things. Kefir can be safely included in your diet and drunk regularly. Nutritionist Katie Clare always advises to prioritize healthy eating and only use supplements as a last resort.
