REVIEW: "Life Hacks of Confident People: 50 Ways to Boost Self-Esteem" by Richard Nugent
REVIEW: "Life Hacks of Confident People: 50 Ways to Boost Self-Esteem" by Richard Nugent

Deep, genuine self-confidence can work wonders. But waiting for it to appear by itself is at least silly. The Fifty Secrets of Business Coach Richard Nugent will help you build self-esteem, build self-confidence and learn self-control.

REVIEW: "Life Hacks of Confident People: 50 Ways to Boost Self-Esteem" by Richard Nugent
REVIEW: "Life Hacks of Confident People: 50 Ways to Boost Self-Esteem" by Richard Nugent

You can talk about the advantages of self-confidence for a very long time: it is easier to find a job, to finish what you started, not to regret endlessly about mistakes, to build trusting relationships in the family and at work. There remains only one question: how to become more self-confident? The answer is given by Nugent in his book.

For most people, confidence is the result of a combination of circumstances. When everything is smooth and good around, there is confidence; when you find yourself in difficult situations, confidence diminishes. But this is the wrong position: life is too changeable and you can really not do anything while waiting for greenhouse conditions.

Nugent's position on confidence is more practical.

Confidence is not a gift that you have or don't have. Confidence is work. You either do it or not.

If we regard confidence as an emotional state, then there are principles that help to enter it. Basically, the 50 life hacks in this book are 50 ways to trigger your natural self-confidence mechanism.

"Life Hacks of Confident People" by Richard Nugent - A book on how to increase self-esteem
"Life Hacks of Confident People" by Richard Nugent - A book on how to increase self-esteem

How to overcome your fears

The main obstacle to confidence is fears and phobias, which each of us has enough. The fear of making a wrong decision, the fear of appearing ridiculous and ridiculous, the fear of speaking … Fear itself is not bad. It is a completely natural reaction of our body to a non-standard situation. It is impossible and hardly necessary to get rid of it entirely and completely.

But at some point, you may realize that fear prevents you from achieving your goals. Then your first priority is to put your phobias aside at least for a while and focus on what really matters.

Three secrets about fear that you will learn from this book:

  1. You will only feel fear if you imagine that things will go wrong and something bad will happen.
  2. It is impossible to be afraid at the moment of the events taking place. If something bad has already happened, you experience different feelings. Or fear not related to what just happened.
  3. You cannot feel fear, imagining that the situation or event will be resolved successfully and everything will end well.
"Life Hacks of Confident People" by Richard Nugent: Book Design
"Life Hacks of Confident People" by Richard Nugent: Book Design

Where is the "muscle of correct decisions"

All major decisions in my life were made without any hesitation. It's easier for me to make a life-changing decision than to decide what I'm going to have for dessert. Tony Hawk athlete

Self-confident people are able to defend their decisions, which means they can quickly make them. How to develop the ability to make decisions? That's right, take as many of them as possible. Let you make mistakes and sometimes be tormented by doubts, but otherwise this skill cannot be developed.

In making decisions, reflection not only does not help, but also confuses. Therefore, do not get hung up and do not try to diligently weigh the pros and cons. Having trouble choosing between two items of clothing in a store? Buy any. Not sure where to go for the holidays? Choose the option that comes first in alphabetical order. Thinking what to drink tonight? Drink the drink that first comes to mind.


The author compares his book with a pleasant and rich menu rather than with a monotonous obligatory meal. In each chapter, you can find a valuable thought for yourself, but some of them will be more important to you.

Deep, genuine confidence can change the world.
