Products that work best in pairs
Products that work best in pairs

Note to vegetarians and everyone who wants to give up animal products: the presence of a large amount of nutrients in plant foods does not always mean that you will get them in the same amount as from meat or other "animal" products. Sometimes, in order to become a superfood, they need the help of a partner!

Products that work best when paired
Products that work best when paired

We are used to certain product combinations that are classic for us. For example, boiled young potatoes with garlic and fresh dill or borscht with sour cream. They are paired because it is just very tasty, and also because we are used to it. They make up the perfect flavor combination. But there are products that not only complement each other in taste, but become super-useful only in the presence of their partner.

Some of these options will be familiar to you, and some will probably surprise you, but any of the combinations can usefully complement your diet.

Black beans + bell pepper

Beans and bell peppers
Beans and bell peppers

Black beans are a good source of iron. This plant-based iron is called non-heme and is not absorbed as well as the iron you would get from meat. Only 2 to 20% of the "plant" iron passes from the digestive tract into the blood, compared with 15–35% of the "animal" iron. Dr. Cynthia Sass says that thanks to the support of vitamin C, which is rich in red bell peppers, the amount of absorbed "plant" iron is increased sixfold!

I use this combination in addition to tomatoes, garlic, corn, and herbs when I cook something like chili.

Whole grains + garlic + onions

Whole grains, onions and garlic
Whole grains, onions and garlic

As with beans, the iron and zinc found in whole grains have low bioavailability, meaning they are metabolized (chemically transformed) faster than the body can get to them. The fact is that in addition to the useful substances we are used to (the same zinc and iron), whole grains contain minerals with which they bind, and this negatively affects their absorption by the body.

Studies have shown that foods high in sulfur, such as onions and garlic, help whole grains release more nutrients. For example, a 2010 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that adding onions or garlic to meals containing whole grains (raw or cooked) increases the availability of iron and zinc to the human body.

Perhaps that is why pampushkas with garlic or dark flour bread with salt, onion or garlic are so tasty! Especially with borscht.;)

Tomatoes + olive oil

Tomatoes and olive oil
Tomatoes and olive oil

This pair is as if purposely invented for Italian cuisine! Olive oil contains heart-healthy vegetable fat. It raises good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol, which causes clogged arteries. And in combination with tomatoes, this ability increases even more!

Free Radical Biology and Medicine conducted 2,000 studies in which people ate tomato dishes paired with olive and sunflower oil. Researchers found that olive oil increased the antioxidant activity of lycopene in tomatoes, while sunflower oil did not.

There are tons of delicious recipes for this couple! Even simple tomatoes baked in olive oil with garlic and ground into tomato soup are almost a culinary masterpiece.

Salmon + collard greens

Salmon and collard greens
Salmon and collard greens

In order to get the most out of calcium, it must be consumed with vitamin D. It is vitamin D that helps better absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream and normalizes blood calcium levels. One option is to eat calcium-rich foods or vitamins and sunbathe. Another is to eat foods that contain both calcium and vitamin D. Salmon paired with herbs or collard greens is just the case!

Broccoli + tomatoes

Broccoli and Tomatoes
Broccoli and Tomatoes

This pair shows excellent anti-cancer properties. In 2007, a study was conducted in which different diets were developed for rat cancer patients, which included either tomatoes, broccoli, or both of these products at the same time. After the experiment was completed, a test was carried out, which showed which of the diets was the most effective. A diet that contained 10% tomatoes and 10% broccoli caused a 52% reduction in swelling. A diet that included only tomatoes showed a 34% decrease, while a diet with only broccoli showed a 42% decrease.

By the way, stewed broccoli in olive oil with tomatoes is delicious! So is the addition of broccoli and dried tomatoes to the pesto.

Green tea + black pepper

Green tea and black pepper
Green tea and black pepper

A strange combination, but it works! Green tea contains a powerful antioxidant also known as EGCG. But even better, it unleashes its cancer-fighting properties when paired with piperine, a chemical found in black pepper.

Where can this combination be used? It turns out that brewed green tea with black pepper, garlic and ginger is a great marinade!

Turmeric + black pepper

Turmeric and black pepper
Turmeric and black pepper

The piperine in black pepper works well with more than just green tea. It also gets along well with turmeric as it combines the powerful antioxidant curcumin, which is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial, with piperine. Curcumin itself is absorbed too quickly by the body and does not have time to share its magical abilities in full, and piperine improves its bioavailability by 1000 times.

Brussels sprouts + olive oil

Brussels sprouts and olive oil
Brussels sprouts and olive oil

This mini cabbage contains a large amount of vitamin K, which regulates blood clotting in our body, and is also good for bones. Vitamin K is fat-soluble, meaning it is absorbed better when paired with food that contains fat. And then olive oil comes to the rescue, which will help to assimilate vitamin K. The easiest option is baked or stewed Brussels sprouts with olive oil.

Collard greens + almonds

Collard greens and almonds
Collard greens and almonds

Another leafy vegetable that is high in vitamin K is collard greens. In addition to vitamin K, it contains vitamin E, an antioxidant that boosts our immunity and protects against cancer and heart disease. This vitamin, like vitamin K, is fat-soluble and needs steam. Almonds, which are a source of monounsaturated fats, could be that perfect match. This pair makes a delicious salad!

Dark chocolate + apple

Dark chocolate and apple
Dark chocolate and apple

The combination of dark chocolate and apples has powerful potential to improve the health of your cardiovascular system. Red apple skin contains the flavonoid quercetin, which has anti-inflammatory properties, and dark chocolate, thanks to the cocoa it contains, is rich in catechins, antioxidants that help prevent arteriosclerosis. When paired, they do a good job of breaking down blood clots.

Apple slices in dark chocolate - a delicious and healthy dessert!

Garlic + salmon

Garlic and salmon
Garlic and salmon

Garlic added to salmon not only makes fish more flavorful, but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. In 1997, an experiment was conducted, during which they tested the effect of this culinary pair on the condition of men with high blood cholesterol levels. In the groups that consumed 900 mg of garlic and 12 g of fish oil, there was a decrease in both total cholesterol (12.2%) and "bad" cholesterol (9%). So if you don't like swallowing fish oil capsules and plan to get the most out of this beneficial combination, add some garlic when cooking oily marine fish.
