How to stay productive as a freelancer: a selection of the best articles on Lifehacker
How to stay productive as a freelancer: a selection of the best articles on Lifehacker

Many of Lifehacker's readers are freelancing in one way or another. Developers, advertising strategists, creatives, SMM and SEO specialists, designers and other professions feed someone and constitute the only type of employment, and for someone - a part-time job. We, the Lifehacker team, are so diverse that each of us can be called a freelancer with varying degrees of involvement. We will share with you how to be as productive as possible while working as a freelancer, as well as stay healthy and be able to separate work and life so that customers stop repeating horror stories about freelancers.

How to stay productive as a freelancer: a selection of the best articles on Lifehacker
How to stay productive as a freelancer: a selection of the best articles on Lifehacker

Time planning and project management tools

  1. Why don't to-do lists always work?
  2. The 1-3-5 rule for to-do lists: how to get more done?
  3. Is your to-do list an alternate reality or real plans?
  4. How to organize teamwork for the Wunderlist project - one of the best productivity software
  5. Any. DO for iOS and Android now helps you really stay on top of your tasks and get them done
  6. 8 best listing services
  7. How to make a task manager from the LEGO constructor
  8. GTD Cheat Sheet: All Tools and Techniques in One Place

We work productively outside the home

  1. 10 countries where summer never ends
  2. How to buy cheap flights and book a hotel cheaper: the tricks of booking systems
  3. How to get the most out of your travel alone
  4. How to pack all your belongings in one small backpack
  5. A selection of the best travel apps for iPhone
  6. How can I buy travel insurance and get a visa from the comfort of my chair?
  7. How to find wi-fi passwords at the airport if there are no open networks
  8. The seasoned traveler's tips for using Airbnb
  9. How to evaluate your possibilities when planning life in other cities of the world
Jesus Sanz /
Jesus Sanz /

Sleep enough, eat healthy and stay toned

When you left work for the office, was it part of your plans to sit for 14-16 hours a day? Are you planning to raise the weight by 20 kg or did you think that you would not get enough sleep? Not sure. So here are the best articles to think about.

  1. Applying a scientific approach to the concept of "happiness"
  2. Why there is no point in grueling work
  3. How much sleep do you need to be productive?
  4. Productive work ≠ hard work: "experiment with violinists"
  5. 4 productivity traps for every freelancer
  6. How can a freelancer solve the issue of a reasonable balance of life and work?
  7. 10 ways to burn 100 calories in 10 minutes


Even some 2-3 years ago, getting a profession online was something unrealistic. However, the lightning-fast development of the Internet and mobile devices has revolutionized. Online courses are available from anywhere in the world 24 hours a day.

Education is now not a heavy duty, but a flexible tool for self-improvement. At the same time, online education is cheaper than traditional education. Thus, you spend an adequate amount and very little time, and in return you get a highly-paid profession that is in demand in the market.

  1. 50+ Worldwide Free Online Education Resources
  2. Top 10 Universities in the World with Free Online Study
  3. 50 educational podcasts to listen to in 2013
  4. The 5 best free resources for learning programming
