Table of contents:

How a freelancer can stay productive and not go crazy
How a freelancer can stay productive and not go crazy

Learn to plan not only work, but also leisure.

How a freelancer can stay productive and not go crazy
How a freelancer can stay productive and not go crazy

1. Plan tomorrow

Freelancers have a very blurred line between work and the rest of their lives, so there is a much higher chance of spending all their time on extraneous activities: video games, cleaning, or solving personal issues. Therefore, it is very important to start the day with a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved by the end of the day.

To do this, it is best to make a to-do list for tomorrow in the evening. By knowing your priorities, you will not waste time on nonsense and will be less distracted. In addition, while you sleep, your brain will have time to work on solving problems, and in the morning you may have an insight.

2. Learn to disconnect from work

It's hard to stop thinking about work when your home and office are the same place. But this is necessary in order to recover and not lose motivation.

Define a clear framework for the beginning and end of the work day and try to stick to them. And also start your own ritual of psychological disconnection from professional duties. For example, the author of books on work productivity, Cal Newport, advises to say out loud, "The shutdown is complete." You can do something else: change into household items, go for a walk, or take a shower.

3. Work in specific clothing

Clothing greatly affects our perception of ourselves and our behavior. For example, I am always more productive when I’m wearing my shoes.

“There are many ways to let your brain know it's time to work,” says marketing author Seth Godin. - Some wear a white robe or a certain pair of glasses, others always work in the same place: this is how their creative activity turns into a profession. The understanding that right now in this place I am doing my job, even if I don’t want to, is very important.”

4. Meet people regularly

Personal communication is hard to overestimate, even if you are an introvert. It gives you new ideas and just helps you get out of your own bubble. Plus, when I speak my thoughts out loud in a conversation with someone, I think faster.

Naturally, everyone needs a different amount of communication. I try to plan at least 2-3 joint meals a week so that I can expand my professional contacts and not marinate all day in my own juice. And you proceed from your needs.

5. Automate work with social networks

It is helpful to keep professional accounts up to date. But sometimes this task takes several hours. So it is tempting to read interesting publications or follow someone's argument, especially when the whole day is on its own. But this will not help you in your career and will not replace communication, it will only take time.

Therefore, it is better not to go to social networks at all during the working segment of the day. Schedule overhead posting with dedicated delayed posting services. Thanks to them, you can make a plan for several days or even weeks in advance. Set aside special time for this and do not get distracted while working.

6. Report deadlines to someone

Most of us find it easier to complete a task that has an external deadline. After all, when the deadlines are known only to us, they can always be moved and distracted by something else. To prevent this from happening, make sure that a missed deadline threatens you with unpleasant consequences.

For example, arrange to report to a friend or colleague. It’s embarrassing to admit that you procrastinated and overdue the task, so you’ll start trying harder. Or promise to pay some amount if you miss the deadline. You can agree on this with a friend or use the service to achieve the goals of Stickk. After all, just publicly announce your intentions on social media. You will want to maintain a good image in the eyes of your subscribers and be on time.

7. Always keep some mechanical work in stock

Sometimes there is simply no strength for complex tasks that require creativity or concentration. In such cases, make a list of the necessary but boring mechanical tasks. Better to tackle them and get even a little better at work than to scold yourself for the decline in productivity and do nothing.

8. Plan your vacation

It is very difficult to relax when the workplace is right next to you. Even when you've finished all the tasks, you just want to check your mail or calendar again, scroll through a conversation with a client or a list of tasks in your head. Therefore, it is so important to set aside time for rest in your schedule.

Schedule several breaks during the day and move away from your work area during this time. Decide what time to finish your work, and try not to linger after. Relaxation and concentration are the yin and yang of any creative process. The second is impossible without the first.
