Table of contents:

33 tips to avoid distractions while you work and stay productive
33 tips to avoid distractions while you work and stay productive

Keeping your head and workplace organized will help you focus on important tasks and get more done.

33 tips to avoid distractions while you work and stay productive
33 tips to avoid distractions while you work and stay productive

Before you start, find out what distracts you while you work. Take a note on your computer, or grab a piece of paper and make a list. This will help you structure the information and understand which tips were useful to you and which were not.

1. Start getting enough sleep

A person cannot be productive and cheerful if he constantly wants to sleep. To fix this problem, move away from your usual 8-hour sleep. Sleep as much as you need for proper rest.

Learn to go to bed and get up on time. Choose the right regimen for yourself and gradually accustom your body to it.

2. Take a nap if needed

This is the best way to combat sleepiness. You will not be able to work effectively while nodding while sitting in front of the monitor.

3. Prepare food in advance

An empty stomach is productivity's worst enemy. Instead of taking on the next project, you think about what, where and when to eat. Solve this problem by preparing your lunch beforehand. In addition, no one canceled a healthy snack while working.

4. Don't overeat

A full stomach is as bad for work as an empty stomach. Try to reduce your portion.

5. Drink water

Dehydration can cause headaches or dry mouth. Try to keep a bottle of water nearby. You can add lemon juice, ginger, mint, or cucumber to it to boost metabolism and increase antioxidant levels.

6. Do not abuse caffeine and sugary drinks

Sweets and coffee will cheer you up. But when these foods wear out, energy levels can drop dramatically.

7. Watch your posture

Sitting hunched over all day runs the risk of serious problems in the future. Get in the habit of stretching at work. Pay special attention to your lower back.

8. Walk more

If you have a sedentary job, try to find time and at least walk around the office a little. Walking not only will energize you, but it will also burn some calories.

9. Plan your day

Without a clear strategy, you simply do not know what to grab onto, especially when there is a lot of work. Therefore, it is important to make plans for tomorrow at the end of the day. It is not necessary to schedule everything by the minute. It is enough to indicate a few tasks to be completed.

10. Work when there are fewer distractions

Try to come to work before your coworkers arrive. If you are working remotely, get up early so that the noise outside the window does not distract you.

11. Collect your thoughts

Sometimes things happen that distract us even before work. Therefore, when you come to the office, take a breath, take a deep breath and concentrate on important tasks.

12. Breathe Right

Mindful diaphragm breathing can help reduce anxiety and stress. To learn this, practice the exercises from pranayama.

13. Identify ineffective hours

Everyone has them. Observe yourself throughout the day. Remember when you are least effective and prone to distractions. Use this time for less important things.

14. Take a break

After some time after starting work, you will notice that you are looking at the screen, and your consciousness is hovering somewhere far away. So it's time to get distracted for five minutes, warm up and return to work with renewed vigor.

15. If you are distracted, consider if it is worth your time

This will break the unconscious chain, as a result of which we are distracted from the main task. Indeed, most often we react to stimuli automatically.

16. Set deadlines

For the solution of each task, you need to allocate specific deadlines and adhere to them.

17. Meditate

Find a secluded place where you will not be distracted, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. With meditation, you can reduce stress levels and calm your mind.

18. Track the time

Install the tracker app on your smartphone and be horrified at how much time you waste.

19. Work in a relaxed environment

If possible, get out of the busy office for at least a couple of hours and find a quiet place to work.

20. Remove everything that bothers you

Take a look around your workplace and get rid of unnecessary things. They not only create clutter on the desk, but also distract from work.

21. Divide the workplace into zones

Place items that you use daily in the first zone. Move everything else to the second zone: books, cables, stapler and other items.

22. Put things in their place

Train yourself to a simple rule: if you took something, put it back in place. This will not only keep things tidy, but also help you find the item when you need it.

23. Clean your computer

Tidy up your PC. Organize folders and apps by removing unnecessary items.

24. Clean your smartphone

Do the same with your phone. Place the apps you use most often on the home screen. Distribute the rest into folders and put them away.

25. Put your phone aside

Put it on the table or put it in a drawer, and switch the gadget itself to Do Not Disturb mode.

26. Set up notifications

First, make sure that there are no notifications on the lock screen - they are very distracting. Then turn off social media and email notifications.

27. Disconnect the internet

A radical measure. But in this case, you will be less tempted to check your smartphone.

28. Use the Internet less on your computer

Limit access to sites programmatically. If you have macOS, try the free Windows Users app. You can choose any other program.

29. Set a rule for social media and email

Train yourself to check them at certain times of the day. When you wake up, try not to open Facebook or Twitter right away. Instead, be alone with your thoughts and focus on more important tasks.

30. Wear headphones

Music is the best way to get into the flow state and keep it going. If you don't like listening to music, you can just walk with headphones on. Perhaps then you will be less worried.

31. If you are interrupted, just say, "I'm busy right now."

You can, of course, shout at a colleague so that next time he thinks twice before distracting you over trifles.

32. Leave some time for yourself

Imagine you have an important meeting with yourself. In the previous company, when scheduling, I mentioned that I would be in a meeting for a few hours. So I made it clear that I would be very busy.

33. Say no to meetings

This does not always work, but you can ask colleagues about the purpose of the meeting and say that you will come when your work is discussed. This will save you time. However, there is a possibility that this idea will not please your superiors.
