Table of contents:

The simple secret to using your note sheets correctly
The simple secret to using your note sheets correctly

Sticky notes, also referred to by many as stickers, were invented nearly 50 years ago. And all this time people are using them incorrectly!

The simple secret to using your note sheets correctly
The simple secret to using your note sheets correctly

Small, multi-colored notepads made up of easy-to-peel adhesive-edged pages are great for making quick notes, reminders and alerts. You simply write the necessary information on a piece of paper, tear it off, and then stick it on a monitor, notice board, refrigerator, or any other place where you will see it. It seems to be nothing complicated, right?

Do not hurry.

Why are we using stickers the wrong way?

Here's a regular sticky notepad.

Stickers notepad
Stickers notepad

Usually we take the edge of the leaf and tear it off in a direction perpendicular to the adhesive side.

Wrong separation stickers
Wrong separation stickers

As a result, it curls like this.

Stickers curl
Stickers curl

And after gluing, such a sticker protrudes, does not hold well and may even fall off.

Stickers incorrectly glued
Stickers incorrectly glued

How to use stickers correctly

Let's try to separate the sheet by applying force not across, but along the adhesive side.

Stickers along the wool
Stickers along the wool

The resulting sheet has a perfectly even shape without any twists and bends.

The stickers are smooth and beautiful
The stickers are smooth and beautiful

And, of course, it adheres tightly and firmly to any surface.

Sticker comparison
Sticker comparison

See what a huge difference there is between the left and right leaflets!

Remember this little secret and finally start using the stickers correctly. You can even tell others about it - we do not mind.
