5 effective ways to strengthen self-discipline
5 effective ways to strengthen self-discipline

Great achievement requires discipline and willpower. Without them, all our efforts crash against the walls of emotions, circumstances, and other people's influences. Tired of it? These simple tips will help you develop self-control.

5 effective ways to strengthen self-discipline
5 effective ways to strengthen self-discipline

It has long been known that motivation will not go far. In addition to the desire to start doing something, it takes discipline to develop these beginnings. Here are some simple yet effective self-discipline building techniques in 21 days.

Start looking after yourself

For 21 days, watch yourself: what you do, how you stand, how you talk, what are you distracted by, how you walk and dress. Control yourself completely. Do not poke around, watch your posture, the position of your arms and legs. Celebrate the moments when you start to bloom. Even when you are alone, be collected.

It doesn't matter where you are - in the country, at work or in the gym - you have to look 100 percent and exude positivity and confidence. Create your style for comfort, stick to it.

The more you think about personal charm, the more you will have it. Imagine that every day you are under the gun of cameras and you cannot look bad, you need to be at your best all the time so that you do not blush in front of the audience.

A simple exercise for every day will help you learn to control yourself - the Marine stance. You come up to the wall, press against it with your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades, back of the head and elbows. In this position, you need to stand for at least 10 minutes daily. After a few days, you will notice that your back begins to straighten.

This little complex helps to develop self-discipline, as you train yourself to control your behavior and not be slack. Remember, you are doing this for yourself, not for others.

Create a morning ritual

Our productivity and composure depends entirely on how we get up in the morning. You can hardly crawl out from under the covers after the eighth alarm clock and think only about how to quickly get back to bed at the end of the day. You can get up just before leaving the house, fussily gather, stuffing some sandwich into yourself, and jump out into the street, not understanding what is happening around and in your head. But it is best to prepare yourself in advance for awakening, to feel your biorhythm and the breath of the new day.

You must come up with a morning ritual that will set you up for the start of a new day.

Here's a simple option: getting up on the first alarm clock, exercising with little physical activity, a contrast shower, a healthy breakfast, and reading. Everything will take you about an hour. And 21 days is enough for it to become a habit.

It doesn't matter what ritual you come up with. Most importantly, you shouldn't give it up on weekends or holidays.

You yourself will not notice how you will become more effective, more collected, more disciplined. Over time, you will begin to do your morning chores automatically, they will become an integral part of your life.

And by the way, don't forget about sleep. You need 7-8 hours to get enough sleep.

Become an ascetic

First, you have to choose what you will give up for 21 days (ideally). Do not eat your favorite dish for at least a week, but preferably all three. A very good exercise is to put the treat in a prominent place and never touch it during the day.

You can taboo movies, sex, social media, talking, alcohol, games. The main thing is to learn to deny yourself.

A person must be able to control himself, otherwise everything else will control him. It is necessary to do what has been planned, regardless of emotions.

But the most serious test is to be in social isolation for three weeks, not to communicate with people, except at work or in a narrow family circle. Do not go to visit, to the cinema, to events, to shopping. Be alone with yourself for three weeks, and you will notice how well it will reflect on your productivity.

Set yourself challenging tasks

Pick one really hard task a week and complete each one no matter what. Weather, circumstances, mood do not matter.

Doing 50 push-ups a day? Go to 80, 90 or even 100 - there is no limit. Writing one article in a couple of days? Write two. Are you spending a lot of money? Don't waste even a few days at all. Weak?

If you haven’t calculated your forces and have chosen a task that you simply cannot cope with, imagine that this is an order, like in a war! You have to fulfill it, there is no other way.

Not in time for the day? Postpone other activities until you have done what you need to do.

This task is difficult, since you must not let yourself down in any case. When you do it, you will be overwhelmed with energy and confidence that you can do a lot - if not everything - on your shoulder. After all, all the restrictions are only in your head.

Focus on the result

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but here you choose a goal, make a plan, and calculate the time and resources needed to get it done.

Try to achieve something in 21 days: create a website, write a chapter of a book, lose 3 kilograms, complete a big project … Almost immediately you will realize that people, circumstances, mood, entertainment, the Internet and many other things prevent you from meeting your deadlines. But don't be discouraged.

You need to focus on your goal, see it at the end of the path, think about it and not about distractions.

Use reminders from your smartphone or computer so you don't forget what you have to do to achieve the result.

There is no need to proceed from existing opportunities: this way you, like most people, will never believe in yourself and will not begin to move towards success. Look to the future, pull it in.

Remember that building habits takes time and effort, but then they will lead you to your dream through any obstacles.
