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Rituals of successful people
Rituals of successful people

What place do certain rituals and habits take in the lives of successful people? We asked this question to several famous people and share their answers with you!

Rituals of successful people
Rituals of successful people

The question of what distinguishes ordinary people from successful people haunts many. It is foolish to think that some kind of magic habit leads to success. We asked a few successful people about their daily rituals. Whether there is a bit of magic in their daily routine or not is up to you!

Artur Orujaliev


Rituals, as for me, are too loud a word that obliges a lot. I tend to talk simply about activities that are repeated regularly or with varying degrees of success. In different periods of my life, years and even months, everything develops differently for me. There are productive days, there are quite relaxed ones. Sometimes deliberately and deliberately, sometimes not. Humans are not robots.

I believe that the main thing is not to cross out 100 points in the to-do-list, but to feel harmony. At the same time, I am not a supporter of excesses in any direction and I believe that you need to constantly move forward in a pre-selected direction. Consciously chosen, which is important.

DREAM. I'm sure getting up early is great. And although I am a sleep-lover, I am constantly struggling to wake up late. In winter, I got up at six in the morning for six months. It was a great period. Then the schedule got a little off. Now I train myself to wake up at seven again. Waking up early has it all, from feeling a fuller day to pleasant freshness in the morning.

PHYSICAL CULTURE. Like many people, I just love to lie on the couch. But regular exercise is very important. And it's not just about health and keeping yourself in a more attractive form. This is obvious to everyone. It's just that many are lazy. The regulatory experience gained here in overcoming oneself and reaching new heights is very useful for any other field of activity.

I run four times a week and try to do some minimal exercise every day. These can be regular push-ups, abs, planks, etc.

SCHEDULE. And although I am against the 16-hour workday, since I do not believe in its effectiveness in the first place, I believe that the balance between personal life and business is still difficult to achieve, if at all real. One week we will go on a business trip or work late on an important project, while the other we will pay more attention to the family. On my own, I noticed that I get to work most productively, mixing business with other things.

If I "lock up" at work from 9:00 to 18:00, then my productivity and mood drops. I can write important letters at 11pm, but go to the store at noon. Having done only one important thing in the morning, I calmly start reading a book or studying English for half an hour. After lunch, I can sometimes watch a series, but after dinner, I can analyze sales or plan work for the next quarter. Holding a work meeting over the weekend is not a problem either. As well as meeting friends on weekdays.

ANALYSIS. Probably hundreds of articles have been written about planning on Lifehacker. But no less important, and perhaps even more, I consider regular analysis. Not just a summary, but careful conclusions. What worked or didn't work, why did it happen, was there an opportunity to act differently, etc. I do this every month and year, sometimes it turns out weekly. And if you do it every day, then I'm sure it will only get better.

Sergey Galenkin, Marketer at Wargaming, host of the podcast "How Games Are Made"


I don’t have any special rituals like that, or I don’t know what it is.:) Charge in the morning, walk, revise the to-do list, read the news in the RSS reader.:)

Maxim Spiridonov, co-founder of the Netology service, host of the Runetology and Runet Segodny podcasts


My day always starts with reading mail and news. I take the tablet from the bedside table, as a rule, not even really waking up. Then a mandatory warm-up. If you have time - a full charge with strength exercises, a horizontal bar. If not, at least a little stretch.

I used to meditate for 20 minutes every morning after exercise and before breakfast. A good way to relax and collect your thoughts. I have been doing this irregularly lately. During the day I try to walk as much as possible to compensate for the sedentary work. I go from home to office, from office to meeting point. In the evening and on weekends I walk around the city. Sometimes I walk 10-15 kilometers a day.

In the evening, at eight or nine o'clock, Julia (wife) and I have dinner, which definitely has a ritual significance. This is the time to discuss how the day went, share thoughts, impressions, plans. In the evening, before going to bed, I always read for 30-40 minutes. Usually these are books or long reads from the periodical press.

Slava Baransky, editor-in-chief of Lifehacker


Sport plays a key role in life. I am constantly experimenting with new types of training. But today I'm most interested in running, TRX and interval training. Sometimes I swim. As for meditation, I wanted to learn, but somehow I can't find the motivation to do it. Perhaps running and swimming in open water is my meditation.

I always make sure that I sleep at least eight hours a day. I suffer a lot when traveling when I can't get enough sleep. And jetlags are just killing me. I get up early in the morning and work straight away. I run or exercise closer to lunch. Then I have lunch and meet on work issues. After that I work for two to three hours. Then I spend time with my family, and it happens that in the evening I sit down for projects that require special attention.

I really love to work at the table. That is, I cannot focus on the plane, at the airport, on the couch in the cafe. I need a table, and only at it can I work. I still can't replace the handy Macbook Pro Retina with all sorts of iPads and iPhones. Only a familiar computer and a comfortable table with a chair.

Konstantin Panfilov, editor-in-chief of Zuckerberg Call


Recently I quit smoking, but before all the rituals were associated with cigarettes - on the way to the subway, while waiting for something, after writing an article, before writing an article, and so on. Now we managed to get rid of this (let's believe that forever). All that is left is pretty standard: in the morning a mug of coffee is required, in the evening - tea with a sandwich.

It is very important for me to keep notes on the iPhone - if I did not write something there, then it is considered to be forgotten forever. Therefore, every hour I look there to make sure that the workflow is not sagging and I have not missed anything.

Well, a sedentary lifestyle does not give a chance for cheerful and active rituals - I go to the gym, of course, to run, but this is the task of every reasonable person, there is nothing special about it. It is very important when leaving the house and upon returning to it, kissing your beloved girl - without this, the day cannot be set.

Arseniy Finberg, author of the "Interesting Kiev" project


The main ritual is to take the daughter to the garden in the morning, to pick it up in the evening. Gym twice a week, swimming pool once. I do everything to devote evenings and weekends to children. There is a lot of coffee, most often in the Coffee Theater in Podil or Chasopis, although sometimes there is also Vagabond.

Six times a week I wake up with my children at seven, once a wife. She is an "owl", and the younger one wakes up in the middle of the night for feeding. I try to go to bed until 12, but it doesn't always work out.
