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10 signs of overwork
10 signs of overwork

Stress manifests itself in different ways, but often we do not attach importance to its symptoms. Your body may be trying to tell you to rest.

10 signs of overwork
10 signs of overwork

1. Your muscles hurt

Does your neck or shoulders hurt? Maybe it's not a workout that's too intense or a bad pillow. When stressed and overworked, our muscles tense and feel like a stretch. In men, stress most often manifests itself as lower back pain, and in women, in the upper back.

2. You have a headache

A dull aching pain that seems to surround the head also signals overwork. Of course, the pills will take it off, but they won't solve the problem. Try stress-relieving exercises like meditation or yoga.

3. You are thirsty all the time

When we are nervous, the adrenal glands begin to produce more stress hormone, adrenal fatigue occurs. This condition affects the production of other hormones, as well as the body's water balance. So if you are often thirsty, stress may be to blame.

4. You sweat a lot

Anxiety and stress also often cause excess sweating. To avoid sweating during an important performance, try breathing deeply in front of it or listening to soothing music.

5. Your hair is falling out

Stress and fatigue can cause not only hair loss, but also diseases such as trichotillomania - pulling out your own hair and focal baldness - an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system begins to destroy hair follicles. So, in case of profuse hair loss, it is better to see a doctor.

6. You have digestive problems

Symptoms of stress are stomach cramps and constant urge to use the toilet. In addition, when you are under stress, the frequency of stomach contractions changes, the secretion of secretions necessary for digestion decreases, and digestion is suspended.

7. You often catch colds

Stress and runny nose are linked. Studies show that we are more prone to colds when we are stressed.

But even after the stressful period in life is over, we can easily get sick. During stress, the hormones cortisol and adrenaline are released, which prevent us from feeling pain, but once we relax, the body becomes more vulnerable.

8. Your jaw hurts

When we experience tension, we often unconsciously clench or gnash our teeth. This happens even during sleep and leads not only to pain in the jaws, but also to damage to the teeth. Try a variety of stress-relieving techniques, and if that doesn't work, dentists advise wearing mouth guards at night.

9. Your weight has changed dramatically

Small changes in weight are natural, but if you notice a sudden decrease or increase in weight, stress may be the cause. It is also signaled by sudden changes in appetite. Try to eat healthy, exercise, and get enough sleep. This will help you get back to your normal weight.

10. Your memory has deteriorated

Pay attention to how often you forget your keys or cannot find things at home. Research has shown that chronic stress lowers spatial memory.

Have you noticed a few symptoms? Use these tips to relieve stress and overwork.
