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How to be happier in 15 minutes
How to be happier in 15 minutes

Just three psychological tricks will help you change your life for the better in a matter of minutes.

How to be happier in 15 minutes
How to be happier in 15 minutes

1. Plan interesting activities for the year ahead

Work, study and household chores sometimes delay, and we forget that there is something in the world other than the daily routine. If you're tired and tired of everything, take 15 minutes to come up with 12 little adventures that will help you get out of your comfort zone. It could be, for example, a trip to a nearby town, skydiving or going on a date - choose which one is closest to you.

After you've come up with 12 fun activities, make a promise to yourself that you will do one every month for a year. Start making plans without postponing until later, so that the things you come up with are not just a note in a notebook.

2. Match the to-do list with your dreams

Imagine yourself in a year, five or ten years. Think about who you want to see yourself, what you want to achieve, both personally and professionally. Write down your ideas. Then compare them to your current to-do list. Does everything in it serve your long-term goals? If not, make the necessary changes to the list: postpone or cancel something, and add something, on the contrary. Ideally, you should check your to-do list against your long-term plans daily or at least once a week.

3. Create a piggy bank of happiness

Find an empty jar or box and write “Happy Moments” on it. Remember what good things have happened to you lately. Write this down on small pieces of paper and place them in the jar.

Every time something joyful happens, replenish this piggy bank. And once every few months, open it and relive the happy moments. Simply by paying more attention to the good things in your life, you will eventually become more optimistic about the world around you.
