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What to do every day to be happier
What to do every day to be happier

These four steps will help you tune in to a positive mood and look at everything from a different angle.

What to do every day to be happier
What to do every day to be happier

1. Consider your life goals

Remind yourself often that the purpose of life is not to work 10 hours a day, five days a week, and then retire and move south somewhere. The true goal is to discover your calling and enjoy every step of the way. In the end, what will be left of you will boil down to two questions: "How have I influenced the lives of other people?" and "What have I served and what have I done better?"

2. Stop defeatist thoughts

Life will periodically throw up difficulties and unfair situations. In such cases, it is important not to dwell on the negative, not to replay your worries, doubts and forebodings over and over again. After all, the difference between successful people and others is how long they feel sorry for themselves.

Take an example from the first: get back on your feet, adapt, learn from failure and use it. And don't get caught up in the past. Thinking this way will free you from stifling guilt and analytical paralysis.

3. Sharing joy with others

We constantly hear the news about something bad, and sometimes it's difficult not to drown in the negative. Make it a rule to share good things with friends, family, and colleagues. Scientists have proven that talking about the joyful events that happen to you is the path to happiness. Those study participants who shared positive experiences with another person at least twice a week were more satisfied with their lives. Try it yourself.

Take every opportunity to share something joyful: a motivating quote, a funny picture, an inspiring story, a joke, a helpful book, article, podcast, or just good news. This will cheer up the other person, and their feedback will inspire you.

4. Communicate with positive people

Eternally dissatisfied people, like an uninvited disease, infect everyone around with their mood. And from negative thinking, the level of stress and anxiety increases, the feeling of happiness decreases.

When communicating, pay attention to how people perceive the world around them. If for someone the glass is half empty and the person always sees only the bad, try to spend less time with him. Communicate more with those who are ready to support you and inspire you, rather than pulling you down.
