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Bath List: A Comprehensive Guide to Russian Bath
Bath List: A Comprehensive Guide to Russian Bath

In order for the steam to be really light and not harm the body, you need to adhere to certain rules. The bather of the legendary "Sandunovsky Baths" told Lifehacker what and how to do and what to avoid while visiting the bath.

Bath List: A Comprehensive Guide to Russian Bath
Bath List: A Comprehensive Guide to Russian Bath

The bath is an excellent tool for preventing colds and relieving emotional stress. In addition, it helps athletes recuperate by improving blood circulation and lactic acid excretion. But all these effects can be achieved only if a number of conditions are met.

Who is not allowed to visit the bathhouse

The way to the bathhouse is closed to those people who have:

  1. Neuropsychiatric disorders. This also includes alcoholism.
  2. Any deviations in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Kidney and digestive system problems.
  4. Violation of the skin.

But even if you do not suffer from any of these diseases, it is always better to play it safe and consult a specialist.

What not to do in the bath

Before the steam room, you cannot wash in the shower with soap, you can only rinse. The fact is that the protective layer is erased with soap and the skin becomes more sensitive.

Before visiting the steam room, you should not wet your head, otherwise heat transfer will increase and you will get heatstroke. For the same reason, it is better to protect your head with a special bath cap. She, among other things, does not allow the hair to dry out.

Do not drink carbonated drinks in front of the steam room. Alcoholic drinks are not recommended either before visiting, during or even after the bath.

Don't overeat. But the hungry should not go to the bathhouse either. Salads and herbal teas are the best choices.

When is it better to take a steam bath

There is an opinion that it is better to go to the bathhouse in winter. But you can bathe in the summer. In hot weather, the bath helps the body to adapt to high temperatures. The pores are opened, the work of the sweat glands is enhanced, which contributes to the improvement of heat transfer. Plus, the body gets rid of toxins, it just becomes easier to breathe. Leaving the steam room in the summer, many note this fact.

So experienced bath attendants do not recognize seasonality.

If we talk about the time of day, it is better to listen to your biological clock. For example, many larks come to the first pair (in "Sanduny" it is at 8 o'clock in the morning). They assure that after the bath they work better and do everything in time. Owls, on the contrary, prefer evening sessions and after a bath they are only capable of a serene sleep.

How to steam

As a rule, the following formula is comfortable for the body: three visits to the steam room for 6–10 minutes, with breaks of 20 minutes. But in the fourth run, you can go to the brooms: the body is already prepared for them emotionally and physically.

Which broom to choose

There are two types of brooms: those that are steamed and those that are inhaled or massaged. Oak and birch are great for vaping, eucalyptus for inhalation.

Essential oils can also be used for inhalation in the steam room. How and which ones are described in this article.

The best steaming is provided by an oak broom. His leaf is wide, the broom itself is more voluminous and takes more steam in one stroke. This steaming is suitable, for example, for athletes and for those who are experiencing great physical activity.

But a birch broom is very useful for smokers: it helps to remove phlegm. They also rub well, since birch leaves have antiseptic properties, relieve irritation and soothe.

A good oak or birch broom can be reused. The main thing is to dry it well after the steam room so that it breathes oxygen.

Bonus from Lifehacker: broom massage technology

Basic techniques

Stroking.2–3 times, slowly walk the broom from neck to feet. Pay attention not only to the central part of the body, but also to the sides. These slow movements are ideal at the beginning of the massage.

Compress. Raise the broom to the ceiling, shake it, capturing hot air, and briefly (from one to five seconds) press it to the body. The best places for compresses are the lower back, shoulder blades, feet, or problem areas (for example, sore muscles).

Stretching. It is performed with two brooms: both are placed on the lower back, and then simultaneously spread apart (one to the feet, the other to the back of the head). The same technique can be performed in the area of the shoulder blades and knees.

Fastening. Fastening movements with the end of the broom, which necessarily end with stroking. Can be performed on almost all parts of the body.

Whipping. A stronger technique, before which it is necessary to raise the broom and capture the hot air. It is optimal to do 2-3 blows to the body after each air entrapment. You can combine the procedure with compresses.

Puffing. Swing movements with a broom towards the steaming person, which are performed along the whole body. The goal is to surround it with a pleasant stream of hot air.

Trituration. An ideal treatment at the end of a massage. With one hand, the broom is held by the handle, with the other, slightly pressing on the deciduous part, rub the whole body. The body can be rubbed in all directions, but the limbs are better along.

Necessary clarifications

  1. During the massage, a wet broom is used, that is, it needs to be moistened periodically. If the broom is initially dry, it is pre-steamed: first it is kept in cold water for 10–20 minutes, then in hot water for 1–3 minutes.
  2. Do not wave the broom strongly if it is very hot in the steam room (over 60 ° C). Otherwise, you can burn the steaming person.
  3. After the massage, you do not need to abruptly get up from the shelf. You should rest for at least a couple of minutes.

Is it possible to plunge into the snow after a bath

It is best to plunge into the snow during the bath, and not after: that is, after rubbing with snow, you need to steam again. In no case should you immediately collect and go out into the air after rubbing.

Only hardened and trained people can be pounded with snow or doused with cold water after a steam room.

Such temperature drops are an incredible load on blood vessels. Therefore, people with varicose veins and thrombosis are best avoided.

What cosmetic procedures to perform

Peels and scrubs are used in the bath. Someone buys them in stores, someone cooks on their own. Of the homemade scrubs, the most popular is salt and honey.

The task of such cosmetics is to cleanse the skin, improve its color and texture, and increase its elasticity. Their use is most effective in the bath, because after the steam bath, the upper layers of the epidermis are prepared for the procedure, and the skin itself absorbs beneficial substances better.

But after the bath, it is better not to apply any cosmetics, especially oils. The only exception is for those with dry skin.

And the last recommendation

Going to the bath, remember that this is not a place for disputes. Everything here is measured and unhurried, so you need to adjust to the unhurried bathing rhythm. Just have fun and recharge. After all, it is for this that we come to the bathhouse.
