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What is the manifestation of desires and what it can lead to
What is the manifestation of desires and what it can lead to

The old ideas that thought is material have received new packaging, but this does not mean that they have begun to work.

What is the manifestation of desires and what it can lead to
What is the manifestation of desires and what it can lead to

In April 2020, the number of searches related to the manifestation of desires skyrocketed on Google. At first, this happened in the English-speaking segment of the Internet, and then the trend was picked up in Runet, albeit not so actively. Understanding what is behind this fresh trend and why it can be dangerous.

What is the manifestation of desires and where did it come from

In short, this is a new incarnation of the idea that thoughts are material, and if you express your intention correctly, the Universe and higher forces will help it come true. Where did the term manifesting come from is not very clear, but the concept itself did not arise yesterday or even a year ago.

The so-called law of attraction - get what you think about - is one of the versions of magical thinking that people have been exposed to from ancient times to the present day.

It is believed that for the first time the term "law of attraction" was mentioned in the book of Helena Blavatsky "Isis Unveiled". And the very idea was promoted by the American movement "New Thinking", which eventually degenerated into the New Age - a mixture of religion, esotericism, various magical practices and beliefs, and all the same Blavatsky's theosophy.

Many remember the sensational pseudoscientific documentary "The Mystery", which made a sensation in the middle of 2000s, and the book of the same name by Rhonda Byrne that followed. They also talked about the fact that we ourselves shape our reality, you just need to tune in to the appropriate wave and think about your needs correctly.

Around the same time, the Russian version of "Mystery" appeared - "Transurfing of Reality" by Vadim Zeland. He proposed a whole system of reshaping the world for himself. And although at that time many laughed at such "teachings", both "Secret" and "Transurfing" still have fans.

The manifestation of desires is all the same, but in a new wrapper. Only now adherents and popularizers of this practice do not publish books, but record videos on TikTok and hold “marathons of desires”. Moreover, the recipes are different for everyone: someone says that it is enough just to think about your "wishlist", someone suggests writing down your desire 33 or 333 times, and someone generally advocates complex rituals by candlelight with singing and meditation.

Why the manifestation of desires is becoming popular

People are afraid of the unknown

The very time when people again became actively interested in this topic hints at a connection with a pandemic and general isolation, that is, with a period of complete uncertainty and fear of the future. The more uncertainty, the more anxiety, and the more anxiety, the more people believe in magic and more often practice magic rituals.

That is why various pseudoscientific teachings raise their heads at moments when it is difficult and scary for people and they are looking for something to rely on. Suffice it to recall the heyday of obscurantism in Russia in the 1990s. By the way, which is significant, at the beginning of the pandemic, interest in Anatoly Kashpirovsky revived. 30 years ago, he hosted the popular "health sessions" on television, and now on his own YouTube channel.

People want to be trendy

Before fortune-tellers, esotericists and astrologers were in a kind of "gray zone". Books about any unknown were sold only in special stores, and announcements about love spells and removal of the evil eye were published mainly in very specific press. Such things were openly made fun of, and even those who believed in all this did not openly admit it.

Now it’s not like that. TikTok stars show in videos how they write down their desires. Fortunetellers predict the future on Instagram and collect thousands of likes and comments. Witches and healers perform rituals there and tell you how to do it right.

Social networks very quickly spread any information, true and false, which means that more and more people pick it up. Esotericism suddenly became fashionable.

What's wrong with the idea of materializing thoughts

It is impossible to conduct a serious scientific study that would show that no manifestations, marathons of desires and writing down your "wishes" on paper do not work. It would be difficult for him to collect a representative sample, determine the method by which the subjects would manifest, and ensure a level playing field for everyone. In addition, it would be necessary to formulate criteria that determine whether the plan came true or not and why.

Desires are fulfilled not thanks to the Universe, but thanks to our own efforts or the help of other people. Let's say a man dreamed of a car, and his parents gave him such a gift. How to understand if this is the merit of higher powers or just mom and dad have worked fruitfully?

It is believed that visualization helps people tune in for success, become more confident and achieve their goals. But on the whole, manifestation works like a placebo: it really “helps” someone, because people really want to believe it, pull facts by the ears and forget that “after” is not equal to “due”. This may seem like harmless entertainment - well, people believe themselves, let them continue to believe. However, in the case of manifestation, everything is not so cloudless.

It is associated with mental disorders

Research shows that magical thinking, belief in the “law of attraction,” and the efficacy of rituals are common in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and high levels of anxiety.

Moreover, some evidence suggests that the concept of "thought is material" is capable of provoking various disorders to some extent. In people who believe in it, the same areas of the brain are activated as in people with OCD.

After all, if good thoughts are material, then bad thoughts can also come true, and in general, everything bad that happens to us, we attract into our life ourselves. And this is already a frightening idea that will make many nervous.

She is unscientific and borders on obscurantism

People who trust their "gut" and believe that they can somehow influence reality are more likely than others to believe fake news, conspiracy theories and other false concepts.

That is, one thing leads to another: a person who does not use critical thinking and relies not on research, facts and evidence, but on faith and emotion, is more at risk of suffering from pseudoscientific nonsense.

She prevents us from acting

If it is enough to make a wish correctly - and the Universe will help you, then you do not need to do anything yourself. There are, of course, people who not only rely on God, but do not make a mistake themselves, and any near-magic passes for them are a frivolous addition to regular and fruitful work on their goals. But there are those for whom dreams and modern witchcraft replace real actions, and with such an approach, no good result will come of it.
