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How to replace sugar without harm to health
How to replace sugar without harm to health

Honey, maple syrup, molasses, and other foods that can help you eliminate sugar.

How to replace sugar without harm to health
How to replace sugar without harm to health


Honey, familiar to us from childhood, is not only a sweet helper for colds, but also a natural sugar substitute. Its beneficial properties were known more than 5000 years ago.

What is the use

Honey contains glucose, fructose, a small amount of sucrose, antioxidants, vitamins B and C, and defensin-1 protein. Such a "vitamin cocktail", according to doctors from the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam, contributes to:

  • the destruction of pathogenic bacteria;
  • normalization of the digestive system;
  • improving the quality of sleep;
  • normalization of blood pressure.

What to look for

When choosing honey, consider the glycemic index of different varieties. The glycemic index is the rate at which blood sugar rises after eating certain foods. Its maximum value is 100 units. The lower the number, the better, since foods with a low glycemic index provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness and do not cause sudden spikes in insulin in the blood. An increase in this hormone leads to excess accumulation of nutrients in the body and weight gain.

With regard to honey, the sweetness obtained from pine buds has the lowest glycemic index - only 25 units. It is followed in ascending order by acacia honey - 35, eucalyptus - 50 and lime - 55.

It is important to remember that even in the consumption of such a useful product, a measure is needed. According to scientists from the American Heart Association, the daily intake of honey for women is 2 tablespoons, for men - 3.

It is better not to use honey in cooking dishes where heat treatment is required, since when heated it loses its beneficial properties.


The natural sweetener is derived from a South American plant. Its juice is 250-300 times sweeter than regular sugar. It is used for making desserts, added to coffee, tea and other drinks. Stevia is sold in powder and drops. Since it is much sweeter than sugar, it should be added to drinks and foods in less quantities. For example, instead of 1 teaspoon of sugar, you only need 2-6 drops of liquid stevia or ¼ teaspoon of powder.

What is the use

According to the results of research conducted by experts from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it was found that stevia is completely safe product that:

  • does not have a carcinogenic effect;
  • has a zero glycemic index;
  • contains no calories;
  • does not lose its properties during heating, unlike honey.

What to look for

Stevia has a specific flavor that not everyone likes. In addition, it is important to adhere to the daily allowance - it is 2 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. Exceeding the recommended value can cause addiction and lower blood pressure.

Maple syrup

Maple syrup is the sap of sugar maple that grows in the United States and Canada. The product does not lose its beneficial properties when heated, therefore it is used in cooking. They are also poured over a variety of desserts - pancakes, pancakes, waffles.

What is the use

The sweetener contains 54 beneficial components, including calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, which reduce the likelihood of developing:

  • type 2 diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heart disease.

What to look for

Before buying, be sure to check the label to make sure that the product is natural. Because some of the cheaper counterparts may contain sugar and chemical sweeteners.


Molasses is a syrup left over from the cane sugar production process. It is sold in large shopping centers and diet food stores.

What is the use

The sweetener is rich in minerals, B vitamins and trace elements: iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Thanks to this, molasses:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • is a prophylactic agent for stroke;
  • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
  • replenishes the energy reserves of our body;
  • has a beneficial effect on the digestive system;
  • can be used as a substitute for honey if allergic to it.

What to look for

Treacle is eaten and used in desserts and baked goods. When choosing a product, attention is paid to the color - dark molasses is less sweet.


One of the unobvious substitutes for sugar is milk, thanks to the lactose it contains. Milk sugar is five times less sweet than regular sugar. Nevertheless, drinking milk can reduce the body's cravings for unhealthy desserts, since the product has a pleasant, slightly sweet taste.

What is the use

Much has been said about the benefits of milk. It is the source of:

  • calcium, which is essential for teeth and bones;
  • proteins involved in strengthening the immune system;
  • amino acids that have a calming effect.

Milk also helps to build muscle mass during active sports.

What to look for

When choosing milk, consider the percentage of fat - the higher it is, the more calories. If you are on a diet or fitness routine, it is best to opt for a low- or zero-fat product.

It is important to remember that milk is not a good source of natural sugar for people with lactose intolerance. However, recent studies have found that in Europe, only 5% of adults are allergic to milk sugar.
