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15 mistakes that prevent gym visitors from achieving results
15 mistakes that prevent gym visitors from achieving results

How many women with a beautiful toned figure have you seen in the gym? Personally, I am one! Often, a burning desire to quickly get the perfect body leads to wrong actions and the opposite result.

15 mistakes that prevent gym visitors from achieving results
15 mistakes that prevent gym visitors from achieving results

Thousands of girls regularly visit gyms, but do not achieve what they want. Consider the most common female mistakes: some simply interfere with productive workouts, while others spoil the figure.

Wrong attitude towards classes

1. Fear of being pumped

The first and one of the main mistakes of girls is to bypass the gym altogether, being afraid to build up huge male muscles. This fear is absolutely unfounded: it is impossible to pump without a special high-calorie diet and a training program that professional athletes use. That being said, only through resistance training will you have beautiful arms, a toned belly, sexy buttocks, and slender legs.

2. Fear of looking ridiculous

A tense face, sweaty clothes, an imperfect body, or the wrong level of fitness … These and many other fears can interfere with productive training. Forget about the opinions of strangers, stop thinking about how you look from the outside, and just start working on yourself. Your image is not important here, the result of your work is important here!

Excessive concern for appearance

3. Wrong clothes

You came to the gym to improve your body. Charming guys with amazing looks and envy your friends with a fashionable outfit is better in another place, for example, in a restaurant or club. In a machine, you should think about comfort first: breathable fabrics, comfortable shoes, and tucked-in hair.

Of course, it is common for the fair sex to choose sexy outfits. However, after hours of shopping, you may find that the clothes you bought are uncomfortable or inappropriate in the gym.

4. Makeup

Why wear makeup for a workout at all? This is not a date. In addition, the result will be the opposite: smeared cosmetics and spoiled skin. Foundations are the most dangerous because they block sweat from escaping through the pores.

5. Decorations

Often in the gym you can see girls decorated with rings, hung with chains, but you never know what else. Do they really not bother you to study? Are you afraid to ruin your favorite piece of jewelry? Or lose? After all, the ring can easily slip off a sweaty handle.

6. Fear of sweating

Many girls are horrified by wet spots on their T-shirts. And in vain. Don't be afraid to sweat: this is a normal physiological process that only confirms that you did a great job on yourself.

7. Perfume

And yes, perfume also has no place in the gym.

Training approach

8. Exclusively cardio workouts

A typical female misconception: vigorous exercise on cardiovascular equipment will help you quickly lose weight. Of course, this is true, but do not forget that you are burning not only fat, but also muscle. If you pedal or run too often on the treadmill, your cortisol levels will continually rise. This means that the body will store fat instead of getting rid of it. If you still want to arrange for yourself an exclusively aerobic workout, then use a variety of simulators for 15–20 minutes: an exercise bike, a treadmill, an ellipsoid, and so on.

Girls who want to build up appetizing forms should only use cardiovascular equipment for warm-up.

9. Concentration on the lower body

Most often, girls think like this: "I only want to tighten up my ass, the rest is fine with me." After that, intensive training for the gluteal muscles begins. If you neglect upper body exercises, you can soon become unattractive and disproportionate.

10. Love for simulators for flattening and raising legs

One of the main problem areas for girls is the inner and outer thighs. That is why most of the fair sex simply cannot be torn from the simulators for the reduction and extension of the legs. I hasten to upset you: these exercises are not able to make the hips slim, as they strengthen the adductor muscles, and do not burn fat. Moreover, remember: you cannot reduce the volume in one specific area.

11. Exercises on the oblique abdominal muscles

Want to make your waist thinner? Forget side bends with dumbbells! This will not only not shrink the waist, but will also make it wider. Any muscle tends to grow after resistance training. Why should the obliques make an exception for you?

12. Lack of rest days

Rest between trips to the gym is as important as the workouts themselves. You need time to recover. The pain is caused by microcracks that form as a result of muscle growth. Daily workouts exhaust the body a lot, and the result is that muscles stop growing.

13. Monotonous workouts

Constant training for the same muscle group does not allow you to recover. The exception is the press: you should pay attention to it every time you visit the gym. In any other cases, it is worth taking a break between loads on one muscle group for at least a day (or better, more).

Nutrition and water balance

14. Refusal to eat

If you're fasting before or after a workout, don't expect to be productive. Catabolism will begin to eat primarily muscle, which will greatly slow down tissue recovery and growth.

15. Refusal of water

Many girls do not pay enough attention to the water balance. And in vain. Not getting the right amount of water, the body quickly gets tired, the processes of weight loss and muscle growth stop, the metabolism slows down.

And finally: to devote all your free time to going to the gym is just as bad as not playing sports at all. Of course, working with a lot of weight will help you create a beautiful body, but everything should be harmonious in a girl. Do not forget about grace, graceful gait and sharp mind.;)
