Table of contents:

10 mistakes that prevent you from kissing well
10 mistakes that prevent you from kissing well

These mistakes will alienate even those who would like to continue from you.

10 mistakes that prevent you from kissing well
10 mistakes that prevent you from kissing well

1. Wide open eyes

When people kiss, surrendering to feelings, they close their eyes. And this, it turns out, is physiologically justified. During a kiss, the brain experiences a serious overload: it is difficult for it, almost impossible to simultaneously process visual information and tactile sensations.

In an effort to focus on the kiss, we cut off unnecessary data flow and instinctively close our eyelids.

Psychologists from the British Research University Royal Holloway established Sensory Overload: Kissing With Eyes Open Feels Strange Because The Brain Is Doing Too Much, Hindering Pleasure this fact is relatively recent - in 2016. But the human subconscious has always known about it. Therefore, the one who kisses with open eyes seems insincere to us. And it makes a repulsive impression.

2. Limp hands

Hands are another way to increase tactile contact. With a really desired kiss, they work: fingers touch the partner's cheeks, stroke their hair and shoulders …

If the hands are not involved, the kiss seems overly constrained or insincere, without passion. After him, the bewilderment remains: was he needed at all and does it make sense to continue?

3. Too much language

The language is great, but they have to be handled carefully. Even the famous French kiss, which in theory is unthinkable without an active language, still requires accuracy and the need to follow the partner's desire.

And also, where the tongue is, there is always a lot of saliva. It's not a fact that your counterpart will like this amount of moisture.

4. Too little language

Everything should be in moderation. A kiss in which the tongue does not participate at all resembles a peck on the cheek. Non-binding and completely helpless.

5. Pursed lips

Maybe you don't like kissing? Or are you afraid? Or don't you want to meet with your partner's language? Don't make me wonder about the reasons for your stiffness. The lips should be firm and flexible. Only then will the kiss seem sincere and passionate.

6. Biting

It is good if this is your joint game that both parties enjoy. It's bad if only you bite, and your partner tolerates it.

7. Too sharp movements

When eighth graders hit nose on nose while kissing, you can still understand that. But if you are over 18, such "accidents" will be considered a sign of inexperience. Try not to make sudden movements while bringing your lips together.

8. Monotony

Not speeding up or slowing down, on the same note - it's just boring! And who enjoys kissing a bore? A quality kiss is always malleable, fluid, changing. Give your contact life, it inspires to continue.

9. Bad breath

It is almost impossible to recognize this annoying little thing on your own. Although you can try. Lifehacker wrote how to do it.

A bad smell causes disgust, not a desire to continue and deepen the relationship. So when you go out on a date, brush your teeth, chew gum, rinse your mouth with water, or use other methods to get rid of the foul odor.

Hygiene procedures are a must if you:

  • suffer from tooth decay or gum disease;
  • smoke;
  • Eating Bad Breath: Good and Bad Foods with pungent spices like onions and garlic
  • Follow the 17 Reasons Why Your Breath Smells Bad Carbohydrate Restricted Diet.

10. Chapped lips

A kiss with chapped lips looks romantic only in the movies. In practice, they are scratched. Or they crack and bleed … In general, nothing pleasant. Yes, and unhygienic: who will like someone else's blood in the mouth?

So fix it urgently.
