Table of contents:

What does the wrong nail trimming lead to and how to avoid health problems
What does the wrong nail trimming lead to and how to avoid health problems

Perform this hygiene procedure correctly to prevent ingrowth of the nail plate.

What does the wrong nail clipping lead to and how to avoid health problems
What does the wrong nail clipping lead to and how to avoid health problems

In the surgical clinic named after N. L. Kushch (Donetsk), statistics are still being collected on cases of onychocryptosis - ingrowth of the nail plate. In 2010, surgeons Ivan Zhurilo and Valeriy Litovka conducted a study The problem of ingrown toenails in children, having studied the medical histories of 329 patients of the clinic. The results are thought provoking.

It turned out that ingrown nails are quite common. In general, up to 10% of patients complained of swollen fingers or pain in the feet when walking - the consequences of ingrown nail plates.


Roman Anatolyevich Shaposhnikov Surgeon of FBLPU "Polyclinic of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia", Candidate of Medical Sciences

Onychocryptosis is a consequence of a change in the direction of growth of the nail plate. The nail grows sideways, deforms and penetrates the soft tissue of the nail fold, causing inflammation. Someone is trying to heal on their own: they cut off the corners of the nail, and on top they also apply Vishnevsky's ointment. It is categorically impossible to do this! Such self-medication is fraught with complications: from the growth of inflamed tissues to purulent inflammation of the bone (osteomyelitis) and even gangrene. All this as a result can lead to amputation of the nail phalanx.

The question arises: how to make sure that you do not fall into these 10%? It is enough to cut your nails correctly.

1. Take time to prepare in three steps

Step 1. Prepare your nails

What happens if you try to cut off a piece of potato chips with nail scissors? The chips will break. Something similar can happen to nails, especially toenails. To prevent calcified growths from cracking, soak your hands and feet in warm water for a few minutes before cutting your nails.

Step 2. Prepare the tool

When clipping nails, you can accidentally damage the cuticle or side roller - it will be better if by this time there are no bacteria left on the blades.

Be sure to disinfect scissors or wire cutters. To do this, immerse them in alcohol for 10 minutes, or at least wash them in warm water and soap.

Stage 3. Prepare the place for a haircut

You will hardly enjoy stepping on nails scattered all over the place, walking barefoot through the apartment. Yes, and ashamed in front of the guests. Therefore, slip a towel under your foot / palm before cutting. Well, or just a trash can.

2. Do it regularly

On average, a human nail grows 1 mm per week. But you need to understand something else:

  • Toenails can grow twice as slow on your feet as on your hands.
  • The growth rate of nails for each person is individual.

Therefore, the frequency of the haircut will have to be determined independently. Focus on the so-called smile line - the border beyond which the nail ceases to adhere to the skin. Leave about 0.5–1.5 mm behind this line of the nail plate.

3. Maintain the correct shape of the nail


It is believed that on the hands, the tips of the nails should be given an oval shape, and on the legs, simply cut in a straight line. But it's not that simple. In fact, the tip of the nail can be either straight or oval. As you like. Most importantly, keep the side edges rectangular. If you round off the nail plate behind the smile line, it will begin to expand and eventually grow into the lateral ridges.


4. File the edges

Jagged or chipped edges easily snag on clothing and other objects. One careless movement - and completely thwarted. Therefore, it is better to immediately smooth the tip of the nail plate with a file.

That's all. As you can see, preventing ingrown nails is not difficult at all.

We wish your feet warmth and soft slippers.
