Table of contents:

6 simple rules to change your productivity
6 simple rules to change your productivity
6 simple rules to change your productivity
6 simple rules to change your productivity

There are a huge number of techniques and methodologists who sell us the secrets of increasing productivity. Often they offer us thick and expensive guides or attending equally expensive trainings in which they will teach us to do better and do more.

Meanwhile, all the secrets have long been known and, if you cleanse them from commercial husks, are quite simple. We'll remind you of a few that are so easy to get started with that you can do it right now.

1. Make a to-do list at the end of the day

We used to start our day with planning. Many are so passionate about this process that they devote an unreasonable amount of time to drawing up plans and defining future tasks, so that they can be started closer to lunchtime. Although everyone knows, it is the morning that is the most productive time.

Don't waste precious morning hours making plans. It is much more convenient to do this in the evening, combining it with summing up the results of the past day. And in the morning with renewed vigor, immediately start work.

2. Check your mail twice a day

Email is a great working tool. But sometimes our immersion in the analysis of correspondence interferes with the implementation of other important matters. Therefore, set aside some time to work with mail and try to keep it.

3. Challenging tasks in the first place

There are several different opinions about priority ranking. Some people argue that it is best to do 1-2 simple tasks first to swing and get into working mode. Another approach usually helps me. If I have to do something difficult or not too pleasant, then I try to do it first. This not only allows you to start “eating frogs” with a fresh head and strength, but also gives you an excellent mood from the work done for the rest of the day.

4. Don't know what to do - do something

This primarily concerns creative people, whose range of tasks includes the creation of a variety of "creativity". If you don't know where to start and there is not a single worthwhile idea in your head, then it is important not to fall into a creative stupor and depression (for which, as you know, no one pays money), but still start working.

Let your first touches seem miserable, even if the idea is crazy and you have no idea what it will all turn into, you should still start a sketch, draft, prototype. After a while, you will get carried away, and very soon you will see a rational grain in your sketches.

5. Get a procrastination pad

We pay a lot of attention to planning work processes, but do not pay attention to the randomness of our rest at all. It is necessary to be distracted from work, but at a specially allotted time and with a specific purpose. Otherwise, your vacation will turn into aimless wandering through a thousand sites without any benefit or sense.

Therefore, put a notebook next to you and write down in it all extraneous ideas and tasks that have just come to your mind. Well, like "quickly see the price of bait for perch", "download a new movie for the evening" and even "find out the news about football." When the rest time begins, then open this notebook and go to watch, download and learn points by point.

6. Take breaks

Many people fall into the logical trap of the thesis "the longer I work, the more I will do." Indeed, what kind of interruptions can we talk about if the company has a rush, and the work has to be handed over yesterday?

In fact, no matter what you are doing, your productivity will be much higher if you take short breaks at least a few times during the hour. And a big break once every few hours. Stand up, stretch, walk and give your brains, eyes, and hands a little relaxation. Otherwise, very soon you will be overtaken by such a stupor and breakdown that no advice will help.

As you can see, following these tips will require absolutely no effort or expense from you, other than your desire and desire to change. And at the same time, doing them can really change your workday and increase your productivity. Anyway, it helps me.

What personal time management tips can you share?
