A small device that awakens the imagination
A small device that awakens the imagination

Massimo Banzi - one of the creators of Arduino, an affordable and simple microcontroller - in his TEDGlobal talk talks about other projects that have appeared thanks to their product. The examples he cites prove once again that people really don't need anyone's permission to create something truly meaningful, even if they're only 11 years old!

A small device that awakens the imagination
A small device that awakens the imagination

You don't need anyone's permission to create something meaningful.

Massimo Banzi

is a small, easy-to-use and affordable microcontroller. The completely open architecture of the system allows you to freely copy or add to the product line. It can be used both to create autonomous automation objects and to connect to the software on a computer via standard wired and wireless interfaces.

Despite this clever explanation above, even 11-year-olds can work with this microcontroller.

Arduino co-creator Massimo Banzi, in his TEDGlobal talk, talks about other projects that have come about with their product, because we really don't need anyone's permission at all in order to create something really meaningful.;)
