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Coffee analogs to increase productivity
Coffee analogs to increase productivity

Coffee undoubtedly increases our productivity. But at the same time it has a not entirely positive effect on our body. Fortunately, coffee has healthy counterparts. What - find out from this article.

Coffee analogs to increase productivity
Coffee analogs to increase productivity

Undoubtedly, a cup of coffee will help you to cheer up and complete the tasks planned for the day with greater productivity. But we should not forget that excessive consumption of caffeine has negative side effects: heart palpitations, heartburn, various stomach problems. Fortunately, there are coffee alternatives that can help you be more productive without compromising your health.

Green tea

This drink is the most famous healthy alternative to coffee. Green tea is considered to be high in antioxidants and therefore reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Green tea contains caffeine, but in much lower amounts than coffee, so you shouldn't be afraid of side effects.

According to research, green tea can boost your mental alertness. A recent study published in the journal Psychopharmacology proves that green tea has the most beneficial effects on memory and attention.

Take a break

This advice may sound counterproductive, but numerous studies show that taking regular breaks throughout the day can have a positive impact on your productivity. A 2011 study at the University of Illinois found that if you focus on one task for a long time, it lowers your productivity.

And taking short breaks during the day helps your brain get some rest so that you can return to the task more focused and be able to complete the task with much greater productivity.

Take a walk, get up and stretch, or call your loved one.

Take a nap

Numerous studies prove that lack of sleep has the most adverse effect on our body: our productivity decreases, we make mistakes more often, we cannot focus on key tasks. Eventually, your body will rebel and you will fall asleep at an important meeting.

The productivity losses that companies suffer from sleep deprivation of their employees are estimated at $ 1,967 per employee per year. The National Sleep Foundation recommends sleeping 7-9 hours a night, but if you can't get yourself to sleep well at night, taking a nap during the day is a very good idea and practically a lifesaver for your productivity.

A famous NASA study found that sleeping 26 minutes can increase your productivity by 34% and your focus by 54%.

A 2008 study found that short-term sleep is much better than caffeine in improving our concentration and memory.

Go to the gym

Exercising will not only help you tone up, but it will also have a positive effect on your productivity.

A recent study from Michigan State University found that exercise is beneficial for student performance. This is not surprising at all, because other studies confirm that physical activity helps us generate additional energy, we think clearer and are able to generate new ideas. A 2011 Swedish study also found that being physically active during the working day increases employee productivity.

In the study, the following experiment was carried out: employees were divided into three groups, the first group had to devote 2.5 hours of working time to physical exercises; for the second group, the working day was reduced by 2.5 hours, but they were not obliged to go in for sports; and the third group worked as usual - 40 hours a week.

Results: Employees from the sports group report that their productivity at work has increased and, in addition, they are much less likely to feel unwell.

You don't need to spend a lot of time training. According to a 2013 study, it is enough to devote 10 to 40 minutes to training for your concentration to improve due to the flow of blood to the brain. This effect can last two or three hours after training.

If you don't have the opportunity to exercise during your work day, run up and down the stairs a couple of times or do a few push-ups.

Eat some chocolate and have some fun

Studies show that if an employee eats chocolate during the day and takes "funny" moments, such as watching short funny videos, then his productivity improves by 12%.

If you choose between dark and white chocolate, give preference to dark chocolate: it contains endorphins - hormones of happiness and pleasure, moreover, dark chocolate can activate your brain.

Monitor your office temperature

If your office is cold, your productivity may drop with the temperature.

Numerous studies show that if employees work in a room with a low temperature, they are much less productive at the tasks assigned to them. When we are cold, there is no time for productivity and creativity. For normal and fruitful work, you first of all need comfortable conditions.

So, if your workplace is poorly heated, dress as warmly as possible, and if possible, bring a portable heater with you.
