How to get rid of acne?
How to get rid of acne?

Acne is the most common skin condition. Fighting him is sometimes difficult, but possible.

How to get rid of acne?
How to get rid of acne?

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How can you get rid of acne?

Albina Polyakova

Acne, or medically acne, is the result of skin malfunctioning. Dead cells and sebum block the exit from the hair follicle (this is where the sebaceous gland is located), but bacteria can enter there. Such clogged pores are full of nourishment, and therefore bacteria begin to multiply, forming an inflammation, that is, a pimple.

And the short answer to the question would look like this:

  1. Acne occurs, as a rule, due to changes in hormonal levels, which is why they are so ineradicable.
  2. Acne comes in many forms and shapes, from innocent blackheads to creepy cysts.
  3. Skin with any acne requires special, gentle care.
  4. Acne can be treated in two ways: by taking regular skin care at home, or by using strong medical and even surgical remedies.

You will find the most detailed information in our on acne. Recommended reading!
