8 TED talks to help you understand relationship, love, and cheating
8 TED talks to help you understand relationship, love, and cheating

Relationships are not easy for the simple reason that at least two people are involved in them, each of whom is full of whims, problems and weaknesses. Here are eight TED Talks on how to maintain healthy relationships with your spouse, family, or coworkers.

8 TED talks to help you understand relationship, love, and cheating
8 TED talks to help you understand relationship, love, and cheating

What is love


Helen Fisher American anthropologist, PhD in biological sciences, author of books

There are three formations of the brain: attraction (passion), romantic love, deep affection for a partner. They don't always match. They may be the same, for that matter. Therefore, “just sex” is not that easy.

In her talk “Why We Love and Cheat,” Helen Fisher explains the evolution of love since time immemorial. She describes the biochemical processes of love and ends her speech with a very, very instructive story from real life.

How to treat love


Yann Dall'Aglio French philosopher, author of books

Seduction hysteria exists. That is why a person wants to seem perfect so that someone will love him. And he wants them to be perfect, too, to prove their worth. Therefore, couples obsessed with ideality will part very easily at the slightest dissatisfaction.

In his speech “Love? You don't know anything about it! Yann Dal'Allo expresses the idea that love is the desire to be desired, and gives advice on how to abandon the modern personality cult in order to preserve your relationship.

What to do after infidelity


Esther Perel Belgian psychotherapist, author of books

As modern life shows, most people will have two or three love affairs or marriages. And some of them will have a relationship with the same person. Your first marriage failed. Do you want to create a second one together?

In her speech "A New Look at Infidelity … A Conversation for Those Who Have Ever Loved" Esther Perel reflects on why people cheat even when they are happy, what really lies behind such behavior and whether infidelity should be regarded as the ultimate betrayal …

Why you shouldn't be afraid of your shortcomings


Brené Brown American scientist, social researcher, author of books

People fall into two categories: those who actually have a sense of dignity and those who doubt how good they are. The difference between them is that the former believe that they are worthy of love.

In her talk, The Power of Vulnerability, Brené Brown, through the prism of many years of research and life experience, describes a personal understanding of shame that causes feelings of vulnerability in relationships.

What is the power of disagreement


Margaret Heffernan American entrepreneur, book author, business consultant

Truth alone cannot bring about change. Truth will not free us until we acquire the skill, habit, talent, and courage of spirit to use it. Openness is not the end. Openness is the beginning of the journey.

In her talk “How to Take the Risk of Disagreeing,” Margaret Heffernan explains how constructive disagreement is beneficial. The speaker gives real examples of how tacit consent and assenting have a negative impact on the work of entire organizations associated with the lives of millions of people.

What is the secret of marriage


Jenna McCarthy American writer, author of science fiction and popular science books

It turns out that just watching a romantic comedy leads to a decrease in relationship satisfaction. Apparently, the bitter realization that this could happen to us, but did not happen and will never happen, makes our lives seem unbearably dark compared to the movies.

In her talk, What You Don't Know About Marriage, Jenna McCarthy provides some interesting insights into the most unpredictable factors that affect relationships. An incredibly funny and ironic form of presentation, which you want to watch over and over again.

How to speak so that people listen and understand you


Julian Treasure British sound expert, business consultant, book author

What would the world be like if we consciously produced sounds, and consciously consumed them, and designed the environment specifically for good sound? It would be a world that sounds truly beautiful. A world in which understanding would be the norm.

In his speech “How to Speak That Others Want to Listen” Julian Treasure reveals the seven deadly sins of communication: gossip, condemnation, negativity, whining, excuses, embellishment, dogmatism. Developing the topic, the speaker provides a complete set of tools with which your voice will become your engine.

How to maintain passion for a long time


Esther Perel Belgian psychotherapist, author of books

Passion can decrease and increase. It is similar to the Moon with its intermittent eclipses. Many couples know how to rekindle passion. They know how to get it back because they discovered one big myth. The myth of spontaneity. Perfect sex is premeditated sex. Conscious and intentional.

In her talk “The Secret of Maintaining Passion in a Long-Term Relationship,” Esther Perel talks about the fundamental principles of passionate relationships. Why does good sex disappear so often? Is there a relationship between love and passion? How are they related? How do they contradict each other?
