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We will meet the morning with adults 20 thousand times. How not to waste this time
We will meet the morning with adults 20 thousand times. How not to waste this time

What you do every morning determines your day and ultimately your life.

We will meet the morning with adults 20 thousand times. How not to waste this time
We will meet the morning with adults 20 thousand times. How not to waste this time

The average life expectancy in Russia is just over 70 years. If we assume that at the age of 18 a person becomes an adult, and round up the results of the calculations, it turns out that approximately 20,000 times you will meet your morning as an adult who is responsible for his actions and can change his life as he wants.

Just think, as many as 20,000 times you will wake up alert and ready to move mountains or crawl out of bed barely alive and wake up before dinner.

When you clearly realize that you will meet the morning even less than 20,000 times, you begin to realize that you are wasting your time. Here are some ways to stop doing it and get more out of your morning.

1. Manage your energy, not time

Some tasks are faster and better at certain times of the day. Some people experience a burst of creative energy in the morning, while others are overwhelmed by a wave of creativity in the evenings or at night.

See what works best in the morning and do just that. Even if you work in an office, most likely you can move some tasks and swap them.

For example, if creative energy wakes up in you in the morning, you can perform tasks associated with a non-standard approach and search for new solutions, and move all routine tasks for the evening, such as raking letters from clients or phone calls.

2. Prepare in advance

Before you go to bed, make a to-do list for tomorrow. This will save you a lot of time in the morning and help you form good habits. If you've scheduled something in the evening, you're more likely to do it in the morning.

Planning brings the future into the present and allows you to do something about it now.

Alan Lacaine world expert in time management, author of the book "The Art of Keeping Up"

3. Don't check your email until lunchtime

Do you check your email almost immediately after waking up, thinking that there might be something urgent? Not worth it. Who would send an email with really breaking news?

Everything that came to you may wait another couple of hours, so devote the morning to the things that you think are really important, and not "super-urgent" messages on work issues.

4. Move your phone away

Take your smartphone to another room or put it on a colleague's desk. This way, you won't waste your morning hours with great concentration and efficiency (or seething creative energy) on little things like checking your Facebook account or meaningless messaging in the messenger.

5. Work in a cool room

Have you ever noticed how a stuffy and hot room brings sleep? If you already have problems with vigor in the morning, in a stuffy room you will nod off before lunch, or even after.

In a cool room, it will be much easier for you to concentrate and spend your morning usefully.

6. Sit up straight or stand up

Your brain needs oxygen to function well, and your lungs need to be expanded to breathe freely and easily. Unfortunately, many of us are used to sitting hunched over, staring at a monitor or typing.

When you sit hunched over a table, the diaphragm presses on the bottom of your lungs so that you cannot breathe deeply.

Sit up straight or stand up to breathe more deeply and easily. As a result, your brain will receive more oxygen, which means it will work more efficiently.

7. Don't waste a lot of time on food

Breakfast helps to provide the body with the necessary energy for the whole morning. Try to make it healthy, but don't spend a lot of time preparing it.

To save time in the morning, you can prepare breakfast with dinner, and when you wake up, you can simply warm it up or eat breakfast with no-cook food.

8. Find your morning ritual

Someone starts the morning with exercises, someone - with a glass of cold water or ten-minute meditation. Follow your little ritual every day in a specific sequence, for example, first drink a glass of water, and then go to exercise.

When the ritual becomes a habit, it will become a signal for the body, according to which it will tune in to different types of activity. So, after a glass of water, you almost automatically go to do exercises, you don't even need motivation.

9. Move towards your goal slowly but surely

Rarely, when a person's life collapses in one day or a month, everything happens gradually. A morning that brings nothing but disappointment is the result of everyday choices, and those choices grow into habit. A lost morning is followed by a lost day and evening, and so on all the time.

Bad habits are acquired gradually, but good habits are also gradually formed.

American nutritionist and healthy lifestyle fan Jack LaLane woke up every day at 4 a.m. and spent 90 minutes on resistance exercises, and then another half hour running. For over 60 years, he performed this ritual every morning, as a result, became one of the most influential figures in fitness and lived for 96 years.

The way we spend our morning shows and, to some extent, determines the whole day. You have 20,000 opportunities to meet him differently.
