How to keep your manicure in perfect condition and not waste a lot of time on it
How to keep your manicure in perfect condition and not waste a lot of time on it

Girls, whose nails are always in complete order, are witches, not otherwise. Or they just know a few hand care secrets to achieve such an amazing result. It is these tips that we will share with you now.

How to keep your manicure in perfect condition and not waste a lot of time on it
How to keep your manicure in perfect condition and not waste a lot of time on it

Wear gloves when doing housework

This advice is more years old than many of our readers, but for some reason they rarely follow it. In vain, because regular contact with water and detergents does not benefit either the nails or the skin of the hands.

Before cleaning, put on your good old rubber gloves - and go ahead, fight for cleanliness without killing your manicure. It is better to refuse specimens abundantly sprinkled with talcum powder from the inside: hands dry even more after them.

Life hack: before putting on gloves, lubricate the skin around the nails with a nourishing cream. As you do your household chores, it will gradually be absorbed, softening rough cuticles.

Instead of going to the salon, call the master at home

There are few good beauty salons, but there are a lot of people who want to get there, so it turns out that you have to sign up for a manicure almost in two weeks. Moreover, it is not yet a fact that it will be possible to take a time convenient for you.

If you can't sign up - well, you don't need to, the master will come to you himself.

Shelly online service is the same nail salon, only with delivery. From 8 am to 11 pm, you can call the master anywhere - even to the office, even home.

You just need to leave a request on the website or use the mobile application.

For women with a busy work schedule and mothers who are on maternity leave, this option is ideal. Moreover, such a service will certainly be of interest to men who need a manicure according to the dress code requirements. It's somehow awkward to go to the salon, and calling the master at home is a great alternative.

Another pain associated with beauty salons is the cleanliness of the instruments. Alas, many establishments generally ignore sterilization, which in the case of edged manicure is fraught with serious health problems. Shelly treats this issue with all possible responsibility: the instruments are sterilized and sealed in a bag, which the master opens in your presence.

Give up low-quality manicure products

You cannot save on yourself, even if the temptation is very great. A cheap cuticle remover will either have no effect or damage the nail plate. After removing a penny varnish, there is a high risk of finding that your nails have acquired a yellow tint … In general, the money that you saved will then have to be spent on treatment and restoration of a decent look of your hands.

Shelly has high quality materials: craftsmen use Essie varnishes and gel varnishes. The products of this brand have been used in beauty salons around the world for over 30 years, and all thanks to their high quality and non-trivial approach to the choice of colors.

Use gel polish

First, the base, then two layers of varnish for greater color saturation, then the topcoat - when it takes more than an hour to fiddle with nails, it is very annoying to find chips and scuffs the next day, to put it mildly.

Gel polish in such a situation is a real salvation. The procedure for its application takes a little more time than in the case of a traditional varnish, but the gel varnish is strikingly distinguished by its durability.

High-quality gel polish retains its original appearance for three to four weeks. It can last longer, but by this time the nail is already noticeably growing. The coating tolerates water well, so even if you stubbornly ignore gloves while cleaning or washing dishes, your manicure will not suffer.

Don't forget about hand care

For home care, you should have two types of cream in your arsenal: for the day - light and moisturizing, for the night - more dense and nutritious. Moreover, everyone needs to use this all year round, and not only in frosts, when the skin begins to openly ask for help.

Dry skin around nails is a death sentence for any manicure. Firstly, it looks ugly, and secondly, it practically guarantees the appearance of burrs. To avoid such problems, use cuticle emollients such as oil or wax daily.

Ideally, taking care of the skin of your hands includes not only regular application of the cream, but also more serious procedures. We will entrust them to professionals - Shelly has a separate spa treatment service using Essie products. It includes a scrub massage, a hand mask and another massage - this time with a nourishing lotion. As a result, the skin feels very good: no peeling, no dryness, only deep hydration and complete comfort.
