Table of contents:

Why you shouldn't save on a personal trainer
Why you shouldn't save on a personal trainer

For the first time in the gym, everyone asks the same question: do it independently or with a personal trainer. We will tell you about the benefits of a personal trainer and how to effectively train with and without him.

Why you shouldn't save on a personal trainer
Why you shouldn't save on a personal trainer

In pursuit of health and an attractive body, many come to the gym. And at this moment a question arises, which may seem insignificant to many, but in fact is one of the key ones for those who have just started playing sports.

Is it really possible to do without a coach

The temptation to save money on a coach is very high - the payment for each training session with him comes out about the cost of half a monthly subscription. Moreover, the administrator in the gym often offers a coach quite persistently, and it may seem to a person that something is being imposed on him.

Many eventually come to the conclusion that they themselves will cope. You can read about training on the Internet, watch a video showing the nuances of the technique, write yourself a list of exercises and start practicing.

What happens to such people next?

Of course, there are purposeful people who not only continue to study, but also try to improve their knowledge, to consult with someone more knowledgeable. Gradually, they begin to work effectively in the hall, and not just for show.

With the rest, the following happens: for several months a person works, but often he simply does not see any result. Unwanted folds of fat did not go anywhere, and muscles did not increase at all. A person is disappointed in the gym and at the end of the subscription (or even earlier) says goodbye to him once and for all.

But this is not the worst option yet. Let's be honest - there are almost no perfectly healthy people. Each of us has weak points. And with an inept approach to training, you can only undermine your health.

The risk of injury due to improper exercise performance is quite high. It can be both an instant trauma, which is immediately noticeable, or an initially imperceptible injury, which after some time may appear.

With the wrong approach to training, misunderstanding of problem areas and how to fix them, a person will work to zero, if not negative.

Of course, the result of such work will only be disappointment and loss of faith in yourself, your strength and the effectiveness of sports training.

What to do to avoid disappointment in your workouts

  1. Take at least a couple of sessions with a personal trainer. Sometimes it is even included in the cost of the subscription.
  2. If you are not ready to train with a trainer all the time, have time to understand your problem areas during the trial sessions, determine the training program, ask all clarifying questions about the execution technique.
  3. Never hesitate to clarify if you are not very clear. A good coach should tell you everything, show you and control your actions.
  4. See an individual trainer again after a few months. Most likely, your program will already need to be adjusted.
  5. If you follow all the settings set by the trainer, but do not achieve any effect for a long time, contact again for individual training.
  6. Do not lie to your coach if you have violated your training or nutrition program. Not only will this make it harder for him to work, but it may also prevent him from creating the right program for you.
  7. If you don't like the coach, ask him to replace him.
  8. In the hall, many experienced people are often engaged, who are easy to identify externally - you can always turn to them for help. Feel free to do this. People in the halls are usually responsive and ready to give advice.
  9. Do your workouts in front of a mirror - this will make it easier for you to notice mistakes in technique.
  10. Until you have fully mastered the technique, do not take on heavy weights and complex exercises without a safety net.
  11. Working with free weights is more varied and effective, but it is better for a beginner without a trainer to use simulators - it is more difficult to do something wrong with them and get injured.

By working properly in the gym, you can achieve tremendous gains. Let an experienced person, if not guide you along the way, then at least lead you to him.

Effective training for you!
