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Why you shouldn't drink alcohol if you're on a diet
Why you shouldn't drink alcohol if you're on a diet

Food restrictions during a diet are a powerful stress for the body. Sometimes you just want to take it off with something intoxicating. The life hacker figured out how alcohol will affect weight loss and what to do if you can't resist.

Why you shouldn't drink alcohol if you're on a diet
Why you shouldn't drink alcohol if you're on a diet

4 reasons to give up alcohol

1. High-calorie alcohol

The most obvious reason. 1 gram of ethyl alcohol contains 7 kcal, while a gram of proteins and carbohydrates - 4 kcal, and fats - 9 kcal.

In terms of calories, a bottle of alcohol is closer to a lump of pure bacon than a plate of pasta or a juicy steak. In addition, there are few people who like to drink pure alcohol, especially among lovely ladies who care about their waist. And every glass of liqueur or champagne contains a lot of sugar and extra calories. What can we say about cocktails, where sweet syrups and heavy cream are added. For example, let's compare the calorie content of the most common drinks:

Drink Caloric content per 100 ml, kcal
Light beer, 4, 5% 45
Dry red wine 70
Champagne semi-sweet 95
White dessert wine 150
Vodka 150
Whiskey 235
Liqueur Baileys 330

That's right: a glass of whiskey will replace one and a half kilograms of celery.

2. Alcohol slows down the metabolism

It is impossible to recover from alcohol without snacks. But, when we consume alcohol with food, it is processed by the body first, and snacks are left for later. And at a fun feast, every sandwich and piece of kebab will most likely settle on your sides.

In addition, alcohol slows down the production of testosterone, a hormone that is responsible for gaining lean muscle mass in both men and women. The lower the testosterone level, the slower the muscles appear. The smaller the muscle, the slower the metabolism. The slower the metabolism, the faster excess fat accumulates.

3. Alcohol retains water in the body

Here the logical connection will not be so obvious. Alcohol itself is an excellent diuretic, that is, a diuretic. Large doses of alcohol provoke severe dehydration (dry forest in the morning). And after that, a person begins to quench his thirst by absorbing water in huge quantities.

4. Alcohol increases appetite


Alcohol releases all of our basic instincts. A couple of glasses - and now the diet seems not so necessary, and the figure is already beautiful. With a degree, all desires become stronger: aggression, libido, including hunger. You will have to constantly control yourself during the feast or not be surprised at the weight gain - one of two things.

And don't forget the importance of sleep for successful weight loss. How often did you go to bed before midnight after fun gatherings? But, if you did go to bed, do not reassure yourself: in a state of alcoholic intoxication, the phase of REM sleep for a person becomes almost unattainable. Sleep is more like a temporary oblivion, but not like a good rest. And fatigue and lack of sleep are the main provocateurs of a wolf's appetite during the day. The body will try to make up for the lack of energy with the help of fatty and high-calorie foods.

How to reduce the damage to your diet

As you understand, weight gain is no longer provoked by alcohol, but by the factors accompanying it (but this is still not a reason to abuse). In situations where you want to pamper yourself with something intoxicating, but without harm to the figure, adhere to the following rules:

  • Choose low-alcohol, low-sugar drinks. A glass of dry red wine or some champagne will do.
  • Neat with snacks. Choose a platter of fresh vegetables and lean meats or fish over chips and sausages.
  • Avoid sugary cocktails.
  • Drink clean water during the holiday to stay hydrated. Then the next morning you will not have such a strong hangover and thirst.
  • The day after the meal, postpone your jogging and morning workouts. Allow your body to recover normally and gain strength.
