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10 career lessons we learn too late
10 career lessons we learn too late

It's easy to look at people whose careers are going uphill in proportion to their salary, and sigh enviously. It's harder to stop and think about what went wrong and be able to fix it in time.

10 career lessons we learn too late
10 career lessons we learn too late

1. Life is short

As corny as it sounds, you always have a choice. And you should not spend your short life on working hard on a hated job or obeying a tyrant boss. It seems to you that you can still make a deal with your conscience for the sake of money, until you find another job. This is understandable: we all need money, and sitting around is completely ashamed. We are not used to this, give us a job.

But you don't know how long you will live. And you cannot afford such a luxury as a thoughtless waste of time on a business that brings humiliation, suffering and regret. Try to overcome your fears and accept possible difficulties. Start changing your career for the better.

2. Make connections

All these gatherings, meetings, teambuildings and other events, called fashionable foreign words, mean the same thing. You should spend some time with your colleagues, discussing work or doing a common cause. Even though these activities seem boring or even alien, you should pay more attention to them.

Many successful people have a very wide social circle. The more time you take to meet professionals, the more successful you will be.

3. Don't sacrifice health for your career

The feeling of drive from work makes us forget about everything, catch a wave of inspiration and devote an incredible amount of time to tasks. This behavior leads to burnout, serious health problems, stress and overwork.

It would be easier for you to stay healthy than to deal with treatment later.

Health is more valuable than money. This proverb has not lost its relevance. Write down this advice and keep it in front of your eyes every day.

4. Monitor and papers are not the best thing that happened to you

Let's imagine the following picture. You finally got together with your old friends and over a glass of beer you start to feel nostalgic: “Do you remember how you sat and looked at the monitor for HOURS! Do you remember? And how I once corresponded on a project for 18 hours in Slack. There were times!"

So it's hard for us to imagine. In a world where technology is indispensable, the best happens not outside your comfort zone, but outside the screen.

5. Don't stop learning

Technology not only steals our time and attention, but also our sense of reality. When Google and encyclopedias are at your fingertips, it's easy to feel smart. But this is only an appearance. You cannot relax and stop learning. The world is moving forward at a crazy speed, and if at some point you think: "Stop learning", then you will lose.

Do not stop. If you can teach a hare to smoke, then you can understand even the most modern trends and technologies. But for this you need to want to learn them.

6. Don't get hung up on one thing

When you study, do not focus on one area or discipline. Be sure to try new activities for yourself.

Demand variety. Only in this way can you understand what exactly your soul is in. This is the only way you can find out what you are good at.

In addition, you will have several professions to choose from. After all, the moment is not far off when autopilots will replace taxi drivers, and chatbots will replace customer service specialists. Many will have to look for another job.

7. It's easier to achieve goals together

No matter how lone wolf you are, you have to take one more piece of advice on faith: working in a team is much easier, more effective, faster. No matter how great and brilliant your idea is, you just need those who will take on its implementation.

8. Experiences will not help the cause

The antidote to fear and apathy is finding solutions and taking action. If you spend a lot of time just afraid to come up with an idea or present the results of your work, here's some food for thought. Someone will do it for you.

Do you know what's worse than fear? The bitterness that you missed your chance.

You need to go towards your dream. Do not be afraid. Take action.

9. Losing does not mean giving up

Do not rush to brand yourself as a loser and give up. The hackneyed phrase that every failure is a new opportunity, you may not like it, but you will definitely need it. It is not customary for us to brag about our failures. But you have to learn how to benefit from them. Otherwise, you will stop in professional development and never achieve success.

10. Happiness is a journey, not a destination

We always think something like: "If I lose weight, I will be happy", "If I get a promotion and finally become happy." But this is such a way to deceive yourself. If you don't know how to be happy, then a big salary will not help.

Happiness is a habit and a matter of choice. Regardless of the situation.

Many people remain happy despite humble living conditions, difficult jobs, or adversity. They continue to evolve and move forward. You should do the same.

The road will be mastered by a happy walking one.
