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Surprisingly Adequate Life Tips From 20-Year-Old Hunter Thompson
Surprisingly Adequate Life Tips From 20-Year-Old Hunter Thompson

Hunter Thompson, the founder of gonzo journalism and writer known for his crazy lifestyle, gave surprisingly wise advice to his friends. Some of them were found in the writer's old letters and are still relevant today.

Surprisingly Adequate Life Tips From 20-Year-Old Hunter Thompson
Surprisingly Adequate Life Tips From 20-Year-Old Hunter Thompson
hunter thompson
hunter thompson

1. What is the main question of human life?

In a line to his friend Hume Logan, Thompson warns that any advice is only a reflection of the one giving it:

But Thompson is not going to blame his friend for this request either. Referring to Shakespeare's lines, the writer reminds that life is a series of difficult decisions:

2. How to find the answer to the main question?

William Gibson called these internal changes “the microculture of personality,” writer Austin Cleon says “you are what you let in your life,” and graphic designer Paula Sher believes that we combine and analyze knowledge according to our nature.

Thompson wrote about this:

3. How to move towards the goal and not lose yourself?

The answer to the main life question, however, has nothing to do with the goals set. Thompson advises not to succumb to false notions of success and strive to find your personal purpose:

4. What if you do nothing?

Thompson thinks so:

Let's sum up

Hunter Thompson returns to the idea that life and its meaning depend on the decisions we make:
