Mixmax for Chrome will turn Gmail or Inbox into a real mail monster
Mixmax for Chrome will turn Gmail or Inbox into a real mail monster

There are dozens of great add-ons to Gmail that extend the capabilities of the popular email service. Mixmax for Chrome brings them all together.

Mixmax for Chrome will turn Gmail or Inbox into a real mail monster
Mixmax for Chrome will turn Gmail or Inbox into a real mail monster

Longtime Gmail users are well aware that a number of experimental features are hidden in the depths of the mailer, with the help of which your inbox can acquire new useful features.

The more common way to level up is by installing add-ons from third-party developers. And here, the choice can make your head spin, although not all of the suggestions are equally useful. So, some utilities solve only certain tasks, for example, MailTrack notifies about the delivery and reading of letters, and SndLatr sends messages on a schedule. Others are better charged, like Yanado, a full-fledged Gmail-based task manager. Well, the third generally resemble a universal Swiss knife, for example, about which I would like to tell you in more detail.

Installing the extension will slightly update the main Gmail window: the button for creating a letter will get a drop-down menu, and the Live Feed icon will appear on the top control panel, which we will talk about later. But the main changes will affect the form of the message. It will include new elements responsible for sending a message on a schedule, a reminder of various actions with a letter, working with templates and inserting auxiliary cards. The latter are one of the greatest advantages of Mixmax.

Mixmax extends the capabilities of standard Gmail
Mixmax extends the capabilities of standard Gmail

There are many cards. They are grouped into logical blocks and located inside the Enhance button:

  • The first block is responsible for scheduling individual and group meetings. Celebrate your free time and offer windows to your partners.
  • The second is for conducting surveys. For example, you offer the addressee to choose one of the proposed options, leave their opinion or simply answer "yes" or "no".
  • Using the third block, you can saturate the letter with a variety of content: images, tables, PDF slideshows,-g.webp" />
  • The fourth block contains only two buttons, one of which is responsible for sending a specially protected message with a password and "expiration date", and the second for feedback via SMS.
  • The last block adds a preview of your links from popular social networks and web services to the letter. You can attach a single Instagram photo or a whole Twitter feed to a message. Moreover, according to the creators of Mixmax, the content will be updated every time the recipient views it. And indeed it is.

The recipient sees these stylish interactive cards and is tempted to click on them. Even more beauty and readability can be achieved with Markdown, which Mixmax understands perfectly.

Mixmax cards in Gmail emails
Mixmax cards in Gmail emails
Mixmax cards in Gmail emails
Mixmax cards in Gmail emails

The utility tracks the fate of your letters and reports on all significant actions with them. Scattered, this information is available in Gmail itself, and more grouped in the Live Feed, which I already mentioned. Here you can set up different options for your signature, create your own emoji, tweak the settings and pay for advanced services.

Is there anything interesting in? Yes. For example, for money, you will find out on what device and where exactly your message was read, or remove branded Mixmax inserts from your letters.

Acquaintance with Mixmax showed that we have a powerful and flexible email tool that can be useful both for ordinary users and for corporate environments. Try the extension in action, especially since the free plan does not have serious restrictions.
