7 interesting facts about Facebook
7 interesting facts about Facebook

The social network Facebook has become a symbol of our time. In it we make new acquaintances, fall in love, break up, watch videos with cats and do business. The number of users of this service is growing exponentially and soon, it seems, will equal the population of our planet. However, few of them know these seven interesting facts.

7 interesting facts about Facebook
7 interesting facts about Facebook

1 -

If you suddenly need to switch the display language of Facebook, you can do this in the settings of the social network. Among the many languages spoken on earth, for some reason, there is also pirate and English inverted (all letters are upside down).

Language preferences on Facebook
Language preferences on Facebook

2 -

Facebook is the third most popular smartphone app after email and browser. 79% of Facebook users check their pages within 15 minutes of waking up in the morning. Every day, the average user visits this social network about 14 times.

3 -

There is a theory that every person knows every other inhabitant of the planet through a chain of mutual acquaintances, on average, consisting of five people (six handshakes). On the social network Facebook, this distance is even shorter. A study by the University of Milan proved that any two Facebook users are separated by a chain of 3, 74 people.

4 -

Did you feel annoyed or sad after browsing your Facebook feed again? You are not alone. According to the Humboldt University of Berlin, one in three Facebook users feel unhappy with their life after visiting the social network.

5 -

A third of US divorces in 2011 featured the word Facebook. Most often this is due to evidence of betrayal of one of the spouses, the presence of addictions, domestic violence, or improper parenting.

6 -

On Facebook, you can take care of what happens to your account after death in advance. To do this, you should assign a so-called custodian in the settings, that is, a person whom you trust to manage your account after your death. This can be done in the account security settings.

"My Guardian" on Facebook
"My Guardian" on Facebook

7 -

During the existence of Facebook, the company was tried to buy at least 10 times. Mark Zuckerberg received the first offer four months after the launch. Potential buyers included well-known companies such as Viacom, MySpace, Yahoo, AOL, Microsoft and even Google. However, each time, Zuckerberg's opinion about the cost of his brainchild was not consistent with the proposals of potential buyers. Apparently, he was right.
