Table of contents:

How to get rid of acne quickly and forget about them forever
How to get rid of acne quickly and forget about them forever

A pimple that suddenly comes out is not a cause for sadness. Deal with him in no time! Life hacker will explain how to remove redness, relieve inflammation and destroy infection.

How to get rid of acne quickly and forget about them forever
How to get rid of acne quickly and forget about them forever

How to get rid of acne in 1 hour

When there are only a few minutes left before the publication, and the inflammation that has come from nowhere turns red on your face, you must act decisively. It will not be possible to cure a pimple in such a short time. Our main task is to remove redness and swelling. This will help us:

  • Ice. The cold will slow down blood flow to the skin and reduce swelling. The ice cube should be applied to the pimple for 20-40 seconds. If you want to increase the effectiveness of this procedure, freeze the chamomile decoction beforehand.
  • Eye drops. Any remedy designed to relieve redness of the eyes, for example, "Vizin", will do. Put a little liquid on a cotton swab, send it to the freezer for 1 minute and apply it to the pimple. The vasoconstrictor and cold will make the inflammation less noticeable.
  • Salicylic acid. If you have a couple of minutes to run to the pharmacy, get a 1% salicylic acid solution. This effective remedy is found in most cosmetic preparations for acne. Apply salicylic acid to a cotton swab and treat inflammation. Do not zealously rub the solution: there is a chance of getting a burn or at least dry out the skin.

How to get rid of acne in 1 night

So, we already have more time, which means that we can not hide, but treat acne. This will require:

  • Lemon juice. It kills bacteria and tightens the skin. Cut a slice of lemon and gently apply it to the inflammation for 5-15 seconds. Or squeeze some juice into a bowl and apply to acne with a cotton swab.
  • Aspirin. Not only will it ease the headache, it will also clear the pores. To make a mask, grind 1-2 tablets and mix with water until you get a thick slurry. Apply the composition to problem areas of the skin and leave it on until morning. By the way, aspirin fights blackheads and acne spots just as well.
  • Salicylic ointment. It is inexpensive, sold in every pharmacy, and has disinfecting, drying and exfoliating properties. The ointment must be applied only to inflammation so as not to dry out the face. Be sure to use a moisturizer in the morning.
  • Tea tree oil. Kills bacteria and soothes the skin, and is completely natural. Apply the product to pimples and do not rinse until morning. Well, for prevention, add a few drops of tea oil to your usual face cream.
  • Green tea. Combine pleasant tea drinking and facial treatment: apply the brewed tea bag without squeezing to the pimple. Let the astringents and antioxidants in the leaves take effect for a few minutes. Do not rinse off the tea lotion for several hours. This is the mildest way to deal with acne and will suit even the most sensitive skin.
  • Egg mask. Separate the yolk from the protein and beat the latter until light foam forms. Apply the protein directly to the pimples and leave it on overnight. In the morning, the mask can be easily washed off with warm water, and the skin will become noticeably clearer and lighter. You can also stick pieces of the film under the eggshell on the inflammation: they will be no less effective.

How to get rid of acne permanently

To make the skin delight you with its cleanliness and smoothness, remember the following rules:

  • Say no to alcohol and cigarettes, eat right and exercise. Of course, to this you can answer that your friend does not crawl out of fast food establishments, but she never complained about acne. But since this scheme does not work for you, why not try changing your usual lifestyle?
  • Be careful with your choice of cosmetics. And not only decorative. Choose the right cleanser for your skin type. Make sure your foundation doesn't clog your pores. Try cosmetics labeled non-comedogenic.
  • Observe the rules of hygiene: wash your face in the morning and in the evening, rinse off your makeup thoroughly, do not touch your face with dirty hands. When talking, do not touch the smartphone screen to your cheek: it is teeming with germs.
  • Never pop pimples! Thus, only the opposite effect can be achieved: the amount of inflammation will increase.
  • Get a medical examination. Perhaps skin problems are caused by hormonal disruption or abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.
  • Understand yourself. Sometimes the cause of inflammation cannot be explained by anything other than stress. Have you noticed that acne tends to pop out just before an important meeting, when you are very worried? Therefore, rest more, relax, try to eliminate annoying factors from your life.
