Table of contents:

How to Get Rid of Acne: The Ultimate Guide
How to Get Rid of Acne: The Ultimate Guide

Every person should know this.

How to Get Rid of Acne: The Ultimate Guide
How to Get Rid of Acne: The Ultimate Guide

For those who are too lazy to read a lot, we inform you:

  1. Acne occurs, as a rule, due to changes in hormonal levels, which is why they are so ineradicable.
  2. Acne comes in many forms and shapes, from innocent blackheads to creepy cysts.
  3. Skin with any acne requires special, gentle care.
  4. Acne can be treated in two ways: by taking regular skin care at home, or by using strong medical and even surgical remedies.

Anyone who masters the entire article, along with a bunch of knowledge, will receive a bonus: an exciting and disgusting video about what ordinary black dots can turn into.

What is acne

Acne, or medically acne, is the result of skin malfunctioning. Dead cells and sebum block the exit from the hair follicle (this is where the sebaceous gland is located), but bacteria can enter there. Such clogged pores are full of nourishment, and therefore bacteria begin to multiply, forming an inflammation, that is, a pimple. Most often, acne spreads over the face, back and chest.

How to get rid of acne: acne causes
How to get rid of acne: acne causes

Acne is the most common skin condition. Dealing with it is sometimes difficult, but it is possible.

Why do acne appear

There are several reasons for acne. And, unfortunately, we are not talking about hygiene issues. Everything is much deeper.


First of all, acne is a problem with hormones. It is hormones that cause the skin to produce fat so abundantly that the pores simply do not have time to remove it.

Usually this all happens during adolescence and takes place by the age of 30 at the most, but not always. Sometimes this is hampered by the peculiarities of the hormonal background (which are determined genetically), sometimes by diseases.

What conclusion can be drawn from this? Not very good. If you are unlucky, puberty, when hormones are raging, has already passed, and acne remained, then most likely they will be with you all your active life and you will have to learn to live with them.

Wrong makeup

Anything made with oils increases the risk of developing acne. Too aggressive cleaning agents are also harmful. So use a mild, water-based product and don't scrub the breakouts.


Let's face it, research shows that food has nothing to do with it. But there are also exceptions to this rule. For some people, it is enough to give up sweet or dairy products for acne to recede. So just try it: it will work for you too.


Since stress is directly related to the hormonal system, constant anxiety and anxiety can worsen the condition of the skin. So, if you are nervous, and the next morning you are covered with acne, this is the norm, albeit a bad one.

What are acne

Acne is a completely unusual thing, if only because there are many of them and several types can grow on one person at once.

Some types of acne are actually just a bacterial infection with Acneiform Eruptions, and some are lightning fast, tissue necrotic, and are associated with systemic disease. But we'll talk about common acne for now.

Open comedones

What are called black dots. These points can be larger than a match head and almost a centimeter deep. A huge amount of fat can be hidden behind the black head.

They are black because they come into contact with air and oxidize, and not at all due to dirt, as you might think. Sometimes they do not darken to black, but remain, say, dark yellow.

Closed comedones

How to Get Rid of Acne: Closed Comedones
How to Get Rid of Acne: Closed Comedones

The meaning is the same as that of open ones. But since the surface is still covered with a thin layer of leather, the contents do not oxidize and remain white.


Small red bumps without white spots on them. Sometimes they hurt. They are also called subcutaneous acne.


How to Get Rid of Acne: Pustules
How to Get Rid of Acne: Pustules

They look like a standard pimple: a red inflamed area, and in the middle there is a white rod, which is liquid at first, and then hardens (hint: it is better not to touch the liquid). The composition of this rod is pus, so nothing good awaits you there.


How to Get Rid of Acne: Nodules That Can Merge Into Cysts
How to Get Rid of Acne: Nodules That Can Merge Into Cysts

Hard nodules buried deep in the skin and protruding above it. They can be very painful, itchy and uncomfortable.


This is the most difficult type of acne. There is a huge amount of nodules under the skin that cannot be reached with the help of improvised means. These cysts can lead to scarring.

Infant acne

How to Get Rid of Acne: Infant Acne
How to Get Rid of Acne: Infant Acne

There are acne that does not need to be treated or touched: it occurs in babies and does not require any intervention. It is simply a reaction to the presence of maternal hormones in the infant's blood. And this reaction will go away by itself. And the faster, the less attention the parents will pay to her.

How to care for acne skin

So, whatever the acne, the skin still needs to be looked after. Keep in mind that acne treatment and skin care are not the same thing.

  1. Cleansers. Gently massage moisturized face and other acne-affected areas twice a day with the cleanser, then rinse thoroughly.
  2. Never dry yourself with a shared towel. It is best to use disposable wipes, especially for the face. Or buy a pack of small handkerchiefs, wash them in hot water, and iron them thoroughly to replace disposable items.
  3. Scrubs. Use only for mild acne and no more than once a week. Choose with small particles and remove carefully too.
  4. Apply medicines gently to the affected area after cleaning.
  5. Apply shower gels and soaps with a soft washcloth once a day. If you wash more often, use only water.

How to treat acne

If we talk about serious treatment, which will not just get rid of a popped pimple, but generally reduce the formation of acne, then artillery is needed stronger than masks and oatmeal on the face.

To do this, apply:

  1. Antibiotics Moreover, both local (that is, they are applied to the skin) and pills.
  2. Retinoids. These are substances that are used externally.
  3. Oral contraceptives. They are prescribed only for women, and these pills can seriously improve the condition of the skin, as they completely change the hormonal background.
  4. Acids (salicylic or azelaic, for example) and benzoyl peroxide.
  5. Isotretinoin. It is prescribed in especially severe cases, because it has serious side effects: from photosensitivity and dry throat to aggression, nausea and headache. Women should not even get pregnant while using this drug (it affects the fetus). But the effect of it is very good and noticeable. Of course, the doctor prescribes this.

What home and natural remedies can help

Natural remedies for acne:

  1. Tea tree oil.
  2. Bovine cartilage.
  3. Zinc.
  4. Brewer's yeast.

These products are added to various cosmetics, choose one that contains such ingredients.

There are no home remedies that can cure acne once and for all. Unless you overdo it with acids and burn your skin. But then you will have more serious problems than acne.

Actually, all the masks that you find can help one way or another (or maybe not), so home remedies are too much: what helps, when and how. We talked about this in detail, so we will not repeat ourselves.

How to clean your face at home

In theory, it is better not to do this. It's safer to go to a dermatologist or beautician. But often the skin pores become so clogged that it would be necessary to run to the doctor more often than to work. For such a case, there are special sets of tools that help to extract everything unnecessary from under the skin.

How to get rid of acne: How to clean your face at home
How to get rid of acne: How to clean your face at home

In fact, this is a good old way of "squeezing everything out", with the only difference that the tools hurt the skin a little less, the risk of infection and leaving marks is reduced.

Cosmetic loops, extractors, tweezers also have their own rules of use:

  • All extraction procedures must be done on clean skin, and some light antiseptic, like chlorhexidine, should be kept at the ready.
  • They pulled out one thing - do not be lazy and wash the tool, or at least wipe it with cotton wool and an antiseptic. It's only in the weird YouTube videos that they pull everything out.
  • It is best to use "heavy artillery" only after mild products such as soaps and masks have failed to clear the pores.
  • Anything red is inflammation. Inflamed areas should not be touched.

How to treat acne scars

Many types of acne leave scars and bumps on their own. But even if you take an ordinary pimple and squeeze it out incorrectly, you can earn a scar or at least a age spot.

There are few treatments for acne scars. All of them are somehow traumatic and not always effective.

  1. Chemical peeling. This is when they try to reduce light scars with acids.
  2. Laser alignment. There are several types of lasers (with varying degrees of efficiency and danger), but none of them give an ideal result.
  3. Fillers and fillers. Sometimes scars become more noticeable simply because the skin is aging and the acne marks become deeper. Using fillers (like anti-wrinkle) helps to smooth the appearance of scars.

The promised bonus

This is a video from the channel of the famous dermatologist Sandra Lee, who became famous for her ability to crush acne. Warning: if you are not ready to look at this, it is better to read the article on how to develop your creativity.

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  • Black masks work! 14 home and store remedies for clear skin
  • Facial massage that will make you more beautiful in 7 minutes a day
  • Glowing Skin Rules: How to Treat Your Face at 20, 30, 40 & 50
