Table of contents:

How to get rid of an abscess and not get blood poisoning
How to get rid of an abscess and not get blood poisoning

If the abscess is more than one centimeter in diameter, you urgently need to see a doctor.

How to get rid of an abscess and not get blood poisoning
How to get rid of an abscess and not get blood poisoning

From Latin, the word abscess is translated simply - an abscess. With this Latin term, doctors mean an active inflammatory process, in which a cavity filled with pus is formed in living tissue.


See what an abscess looks like Hide

An abscess can occur in any part of the human body, including internal organs. But most often Abscess it affects the skin in the armpits, groin, the area around the anus, the base of the spine and the gums near the teeth.

Inflammation around the hair follicle can also lead to the formation of an abscess - this type of abscess is commonly called a boil.

How to tell if you have an abscess

Symptoms of an external abscess developing inside the skin are usually evident. Abscess. Symptoms:

  • it looks like a dense swelling, a "bump" that has grown under the skin;
  • touching it is painful;
  • the skin on the affected area turns red and feels hot to the touch;
  • not always, but quite often you can see the accumulation of white or yellow pus under the tight skin.

Extensive subcutaneous abscesses can also be accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Abscesses on internal organs or in the tissues between them are more difficult to recognize. The signs of an abscess in this case are vague and may vary depending on which organ is affected. For example, a liver abscess is often accompanied by jaundice - a yellowing of the skin of the body and the whites of the eyes. A lung abscess causes coughing and shortness of breath.

If we talk about the general and most common symptoms of an internal abscess, then they are:

  • discomfort and pain in the area of the organ on which the abscess occurred;
  • temperature increase;
  • decreased appetite up to complete reluctance to eat;
  • active sweating;
  • distinct weakness.

Small abscesses often resolve on their own. However, much more negative scenarios are also possible.

When to seek help faster

Consult a physician or surgeon urgently if:

  • the diameter of the subcutaneous abscess exceeds 1 cm;
  • the abscess continues to grow and becomes more painful;
  • inflammation has occurred in the groin or anus;
  • an abscess is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Go to the emergency room or call an ambulance if:

  • An abscess more than a centimeter in diameter appeared on the face.
  • The temperature has risen to 38, 8 ° C and above.
  • You notice red streaks under the skin that extend to the sides of the abscess.
  • Lymph nodes have enlarged in the area between the abscess and the breast. For example, an abscess in a leg can cause swollen lymph nodes in the groin area.

Such symptoms indicate that there is a high risk of blood poisoning. And this is a deadly condition.

What to do if you have an abscess

Ideally, any abscess, even if it looks small and relatively harmless, should be shown to a physician, surgeon, or dermatologist. A specialist will examine the abscess, assess its location and size, and analyze your health status. And after that he will give recommendations on how and how to treat the abscess in your particular case. Note: Antibiotics or surgical removal of the abscess may be required.

Before you see a doctor, you can try Boils Treatment - Home Remedies to relieve the condition.

Put on warm compresses

They will help reduce pain and speed up the maturation of the abscess. Apply gauze soaked in warm water 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes.

Use ointments

Apply antiseptic ointments to the abscess with a pulling effect. About which is better and safer to use in your case, consult a doctor.

Don't forget about antiseptics

If the abscess opened on its own, wash the wound with antibacterial soap and treat it with any antiseptic, maybe alcohol-based. Then apply an antibacterial ointment (such as levomekol or tetracycline) and apply a bandage. Rinse the wound with warm water 2-3 times a day and apply warm compresses until it heals.

Under no circumstances should you do anything if you have an abscess

Trying to squeeze out the pus

The pressure can drive it deeper, which means that the abscess will only increase in size.

Poke an abscess with a needle

You can accidentally damage a blood vessel, which means that pus will enter the bloodstream - with the expected consequences in the form of sepsis.

Rely only on home methods

Do not continue home treatment if the abscess does not shrink (and even more so if it continues to grow) within a couple of days. Consult a healthcare professional as soon as possible.

Ignore general health

Do not take risks, but see your doctor right away if an abscess develops on the background of problems with the cardiovascular system, iron deficiency anemia, diabetes, any problems with the immune system, or taking immunosuppressive drugs. In this case, the body's defenses may not be enough to defeat the infection on its own.
