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55 Easy Ways To Take Care Of Yourself When You Are Busy-Busy-Busy
55 Easy Ways To Take Care Of Yourself When You Are Busy-Busy-Busy

When you need to redo a bunch of things, when you have an immense amount of work tasks, you start to save time on yourself. You want to do everything, but in the end you only get a nervous breakdown. Learn how to take care of yourself even when you have a lot of to-do-to-do things in this article.

55 Easy Ways To Take Care Of Yourself When You Are Busy-Busy-Busy
55 Easy Ways To Take Care Of Yourself When You Are Busy-Busy-Busy

Each of us has such moments in life when a lot of things are piling up. We always have deadlines, exams, urgent matters and so many priorities to set. The feeling that the whole world suddenly needed your attention, and you don't know how to do everything, and, like most people, you start spending less time on yourself.

To prevent this from happening, here are 55 easy ways to help you take care of yourself when you're busy-busy-busy.

Say no to everything that is not important to you

Phone calls from distant relatives, chatting about nothing with friends - now is not the time to be responsible for everything and be good for everyone. Make a promise to yourself that you will fully focus on what is important now. If you rid yourself of nonessential things, this not only frees up your free time, but also relieves the "burden of universal worries" that you are carrying.

Ask for help

There is nothing wrong with asking for help. You will be surprised when you realize that many people are very willing to help others. This makes them feel needed and useful. More often than not, people ask for help with cooking, shopping, or other household chores.

In addition, you should never underestimate how other people can be helpful in terms of feedback and motivation. They can give you the confidence that is so often lacking when we are doing responsible and important work.

Get enough sleep

This old advice is useful not only when you want to take care of yourself, but also when you want to increase your own productivity.

This is especially important during exams or when you are overwhelmed at work. We naively believe that two extra "tortured" working hours will help us get closer to the goal, but in fact, two hours of sleep will be much more effective.

Drink tea

The energy that caffeine gives you will evaporate very quickly. While hot tea will help you to cheer up much better.

Listen to your favorite music

Calm music will help you calm down, and cheerful music will help you tone up. The main thing is to choose music that will not distract you from your work (music without words, for example).

Your favorite music will cheer you up anyway, no matter how tired you are.

Eat right

I know how much you want to order pizza, but you will benefit if you cook yourself tasty and healthy food instead. This will not only improve your performance, but it will also improve your mood. Find the right recipe for your favorite dish. Ideally, cooking shouldn't take you long.

Spend Five Minutes In The Morning Exercising

If your morning starts hectic, then there is a risk that your entire day will be stressful. Try to have "five minutes of peace and quiet" every morning. Get up and stretch. Make a dozen bends. Feel your body and listen to your own breathing.

Start your day this way and you will notice how much calmer and more pleasant you will feel.

Take a few short walks a day

You can be very busy and think that every minute is too valuable to be spent on anything other than work. If you need to go somewhere nearby, spend half an hour walking around instead of using public transport or your car. Fresh air and daylight are extremely beneficial for your body.

If your destination is far from your home, then this is also not a reason to give up walking. Get off two stops early if using public transport, or park your car a little further than usual.

An extra half hour in the fresh air will subsequently save you a couple of working hours - you will feel much more energetic and have time to do more than usual.

Take five minute breaks every hour

You cannot stay focused on a task all day. No matter what stamina you have, you will always be distracted. Your brain will seek respite, and you end up suddenly finding yourself reading a blog or checking email instead of doing business.

The best solution in this case is to get up, go outside and give yourself a five-minute break. Relocation and movement will allow you to return to work in a fighting spirit and deal with the assigned tasks faster. In this way, you also give your brain the opportunity to rest and process the information received.

Turn taking care of yourself into small tasks and complete them every day

This does not mean at all that you should make yourself-beloved the center of the universe and all day long to be engaged exclusively with yourself. No, just do something small, but pleasant and useful for yourself every day: paint your nails, make a hair mask, go for a massage.

The same approach works with cleaning: so as not to spend the entire weekend on general cleaning, just break your household chores into small tasks that you will slowly do every day.

Make a plan for everything you need to accomplish

Instead of trying to remember all your urgent matters, write them down on paper. Then briefly describe how you are going to complete them to meet the deadline. You may have to plan tasks for many days in advance, and at first glance it may seem that you have to redo an insane amount of things, but in this case there is a high probability that you will get everything done on time. Try not to deviate from this plan.

Even if you finished the tasks earlier today, do not start tomorrow's tasks today. Better to relax in your free time, spend it on yourself.

Keep in touch with your friends

Do not forget about your friends: a few messages or meetings for a couple of hours will allow you to make sure that your friends do not suffer from your lack of attention. You will feel much better when you are occupied with other things besides work, and you will not feel like a reclusive workaholic.

When you're busy at work, you don't have to keep in touch with everyone you know, but make sure that the people you know who make you happier are there.

Get some rest, don't just plan to rest

It is very important. When you plan to take a break, you really should take it easy. Sometimes you even have to put in an effort to drive thoughts and worries about work away and give your brain time out.

It is also very important to give rest not only to the brain overloaded with thoughts, but also to the tired body. It's better to just lie down quietly for five minutes than to spend half an hour in front of the TV.

Surround yourself with your favorite photos

Have your favorite photographs hang around your workplace. It is necessary to hang them in such a way that they are in your field of vision when you work. This will create a certain calm and pleasant atmosphere for you. If you do not have the opportunity to post photos in your workplace, you can carry a photo album with you or use the Pinterest service.

Write a daily thank you list

…to myself. It doesn't have to be long, a few sentences should be enough. If one day you feel that you lack motivation or are just in a bad mood, flip through your previous posts and understand that things are not as bad as they seem.

Your lunch is precious time

Enjoy healthy food while reading a magazine or blog, or just watching people.

After all, it is important not only to eat deliciously, but also to draw inspiration, to look for new creative ideas.

Write down everything that worries you

Stress makes us more vulnerable, and anxiety negatively affects not only our affairs, but also our appearance. If you realize that you are worrying too much, this is an excuse to write down everything that you are worried about. Every time you catch yourself with a disturbing thought, write it down and save it for future reference.

Spend five minutes in the morning and five minutes in the evening worrying about everything on your list. It may sound a little strange, but if you “go through” all your fears and worries in peace and quiet in advance, then it will be much easier for you.

Get yourself on a run or long walk

Any exercise promotes the release of endorphins in the body, in addition, your head is cleared of unnecessary thoughts, so you can focus on the important work that lies ahead.

Get yourself a meeting planner

To make your life less chaotic, get yourself a meeting planner. Make sure that absolutely every meeting is recorded in your planner so that you don't accidentally miss a meeting.

Just remember to leave time to meet with yourself. Put this in your planner; let the time spent on yourself be of the same importance as meeting with a business partner.

Track your progress

When we have an emergency at work, we often think that this difficult period in our life will never end. Therefore, it is so important to keep a list of achievements. Write down in it any, even the smallest, your victories.

Re-read this list when you think you are running out and cannot continue to work. This will give you the strength and motivation to move forward.

Wear your cool clothes

If you are well dressed, you tend to feel much more confident. Spend the extra five minutes in the morning picking up stylish, comfortable, and pretty clothes for the rest of the day, and you’ll feel like a million dollars for the rest of the day.

Sign up for yoga

… or do yoga at home. Even 10 minutes spent in shavasana (relaxation posture) is better than nothing. This will rest not only your body, but also your brain.

Take a hot bath

Nothing can help you relax like a hot bath. Use your favorite bubble bath, turn off the lights, light the candles and have fun. Taking a bath in the evening is the best way to relax, if only because you cannot take your work and your laptop with you.

Light the candles

Candles have a relaxing effect, especially scented candles. At the workplace, you are unlikely to be able to use this advice, but when you return home, no one will stop you from doing it. By the way, lavender and cedar are scents that help you relax.

Write supporting thoughts and statements

Supporting thoughts are your reflections recorded when you were calm. They are designed to help you when you are busy and very tired.

An example of supporting thoughts: Write down why you are doing this hard work. Or, record a witty conversation with a buddy that can cheer you up.

Write an Emotional Escape Plan

Ideally, you should have such a plan ready at the very beginning of the "overworking" period. If things suddenly go wrong, if you panic, if you feel exhausted, who will you call? What will you do? Where will you go?

If you make such a plan in advance, it will show that you really care about yourself.

Inhale - exhale

What else can I say? When stress reaches its climax, just take a deep breath. Exhale. Feeling better?

Do something stupid

Don't forget to have fun! Who says you don't have the right to have fun when you're busy? Joke around, get your coworkers involved, read comics, and allow yourself to act a little silly from time to time. I promise that it will improve your mood and the mood of your colleagues, as well as a little laughter every day will allow you to get through this difficult time.

Complete one task at a time

Now is not the time to be heroic. Be attentive to yourself: let your brain solve one problem at a time, do not lump everything together. As practice shows, this approach to work is much more productive.

Read Leo Babauta's book

This book is easy and quick to read (there is a free version). She will help you change your work habits in a way that benefits you.

Let the evening before the presentation of the results be free

The evening before the big event is the time to relax. Don't panic at the last minute. You don't want to oversleep an exam or present a project with dark circles under your eyes, do you? And, of course, you don't want all your efforts to go to waste due to the fact that your final preparations were feverishly taking place on the last night.

Let the evening (and ideally the day) before an important event be free. You did your best, and before you die, as they say, you can't breathe.

Maintain order in your workplace

This will help you better focus on the tasks at hand, and you will feel comfortable.

Make new habits

When work or study consumes all of your time, you need to develop new good habits.

For example, cook more food for dinner so that it lasts for two days. Use the weekend to select and prepare your clothes for the whole week. If you don't have time to wash your hair every day, well, you will sometimes have to pull it up in a ponytail.

Record, record, record

When your brain is working non-stop, make it easier for him to write down a variety of ideas, events, and just everything that you need to remember. Thus, you will save your brain from additional stress.

You can forgive yourself for the mess at home

Now is not the time for general cleaning. Therefore, if you are sorely short of time and your mess has not reached its climax, feel free to push the cleaning into the background and deal with urgent matters. Pick up when you have more time for this.

Don't hold back your emotions

If you feel like crying, cry. If you really suck, you shouldn't wear a mask trying to hide it. Unleash your anger, fear, frustration, and resentment. Once you give vent to your emotions, it will feel much easier for you.

Set limits for yourself

Some of the tasks we do have no limits. Most often, this is found in the work of creative people. Because of this, even if we have done a lot, we will feel that we have not done enough. Set yourself such limits yourself, and you will avoid many sessions of self-flagellation.

Weekends - a time exclusively for relaxation

If your work blockages are permanent for a long period of time, then your weekend simply must be a weekend in the truest sense of the word, that is, no work. No work calls and letters, no "I'll finish it now, there is very little left here."

Get yourself a support group

Talk to your friends, they may have been in a similar situation and can help you with advice. You should never forget about the invaluable moral support that your loved ones can give you.

Ask family members for help

For example, they can help with cleaning, laundry, cooking, or household budgeting. Your family members will probably not refuse help, seeing how difficult it is for you.

Delegate tasks

If you work in a team, then you have absolutely no need to complete absolutely all tasks yourself. Don't forget this advantage.

Spend time in the sun

If you are constantly sitting in a gloomy library preparing for exams, or your workplace is rather dark, make sure to spend enough time in the sun.

Drink vitamins

Just drink vitamins with breakfast, it will take you less than a minute. If you are addicted to junk food, then this is just a panacea for you.

Eat nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables

Try to keep fruits and nuts on hand at all times - they will be very useful to you when you are hungry. Also, don't forget about vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots are great snacks.

Shower with essential oils

Lavender to relax, or some mint to wake up. All you need is two drops of essential oil during the shower.

Admit you can't work 24 hours a day

You cannot work full time all day long. What's more, you probably already know at what time of the day your productivity drops and you need a break. Take care of yourself and do not try to jump above your own head.

Leave less time for the media

… because your brain is only able to efficiently process a limited amount of information. When you have important information to remember at work, don't overwhelm your brain with television news or news from newspapers and magazines.

Meditate in the morning

10 minutes of silence can work wonders.

Block out distractions

Do you need to complete an urgent task? Unplug the internet cable, turn off the phone and lock the door. For a couple of hours of your "isolation" from the world, you will not miss anything, and complete the task much faster and more efficiently.

Praise yourself

Self-compliments are good for your mood. Tell yourself that you look good, do your best, and handle whatever needs to be done.

Tackle challenging tasks first

We are always so drawn to postponing difficult tasks for later. But it is better to deal with them from the very beginning, and then proceed with other tasks with peace of mind.

Decorate your workplace with colorful stationery

They are inexpensive and can significantly improve your mood.

Encourage yourself

In difficult times, this is one of the most essential habits. Treat yourself to a small gift, chocolate bar, or a break when you complete the task. Just watch, don't spoil yourself too much.;)

Postpone all important decisions

Now is not the time for relocation, divorce, or other life-changing decisions. It is better to postpone it until the moment when you feel calmer and can assess the situation soberly.

Accept yourself for who you are

Let yourself get off the pedestal and admit that you are only human. You do what you have to do and you try to do it well. Trust yourself and keep doing what you do. No one but you knows what can make you happy.
