Table of contents:

How to take care of yourself to protect yourself from burnout and overwork
How to take care of yourself to protect yourself from burnout and overwork

Tips for maintaining your mental, emotional and physical health.

How to take care of yourself to protect yourself from burnout and overwork
How to take care of yourself to protect yourself from burnout and overwork

In the cycle of work and other responsibilities, many often forget about themselves, their happiness and what is really important to them. And the time spent resting and taking care of yourself seems to be wasted. Even when fatigue, depression, health problems appear. If you stay in this state for a long time, you can burn out.

Which leads to overwork and burnout

I felt it first hand. I used to think it was selfish to put my needs ahead of others. I thought that showing love meant constantly thinking of others first.

That being said, I combined hard work in finance, starting my own business, and training seven days a week. I slept for four to six hours, trying to balance between my personal life, family and pet. As a result, I felt tired, exhausted, exhausted.

During this period of my life, I often fell asleep right in my clothes, barely falling on the bed. Gradually I developed depression. I completely stopped doing something for my own pleasure, thinking only about goals.

I forgot who I am, how to be happy. I didn't see the point in devoting time to myself: recharging and remembering what I want from life.

So I lived for two years - without vacation and days off - until the body forced me to slow down. My immunity weakened, and at first I collapsed with pneumonia, and then with a staphylococcal infection. I became so lethargic that it was difficult to just get out of bed.

This went on for several months. And that was a good kick for me, reminding me to take care of myself. After all, without this I will not be able to help others.

If you constantly ignore your needs, sooner or later burnout will come. Check if it's time for you to pause in your rhythm of life.

How does burnout manifest?

Here are signs that you are at risk:

  • By the end of the day, you are so exhausted that you fall onto the couch and fall asleep unnoticed.
  • By the end of the week, it’s incredibly difficult for you to get out of bed in the morning.
  • You sleep outrageously on weekends just to feel normal.
  • No matter how long the rest lasts, you still wake up tired.
  • You can't go without caffeine throughout the day.
  • Often you work so hard that you forget to eat.
  • You really want fast food and sweets in large quantities for energy.
  • You watch TV shows avidly and distract yourself in other ways to avoid being alone with your thoughts.

If you feel that you are close to burnout, it is time for you to reconsider your attitude towards yourself.

What is self-care

I used to think that this implies a constant feeling of happiness. But then I realized that it is impossible to always be happy, and suffering is a part of life that we need for personal growth.

Taking true self-care helps you better understand yourself and your goals. It provides an anchor in difficult life situations that keeps you afloat. She teaches not to get hung up on trifles and pay attention to health: mental, physical and emotional. Here are tips for strengthening all three areas.

What to do for mental health

  1. Relax and allow yourself to do nothing. Do not pick up your phone at this time.
  2. Meditate.
  3. Read self-help books.
  4. Listen to educational podcasts (news doesn't count).
  5. Play with animals.
  6. Hug loved ones.
  7. Do what makes you smile.
  8. Get creative.
  9. Listen to your favorite music.
  10. Keep a gratitude journal.

What to do for emotional health

  1. Forgive the person you have been holding a grudge against for a long time.
  2. Do what you wanted to do for a long time, but were afraid.
  3. Focus on your own needs and goals rather than comparing yourself to others.
  4. Be more compassionate with yourself.
  5. Take a break from social media.
  6. Allow yourself to experience your feelings, rather than run away from them.
  7. Read a fiction book that will cheer you up.
  8. Take a break from technology.
  9. Help someone without expecting anything in return.
  10. Use positive affirmations.
  11. Write down what you like about yourself.

What to do for physical health

  1. Practice deep breathing.
  2. Move to your favorite music.
  3. Get enough sleep.
  4. Take up weightlifting.
  5. Walk.
  6. Play sports games.
  7. Take a walk and be in the sun.
  8. Try yoga or other forms of mindfulness movement.
  9. Eat healthy foods (fruits and vegetables, unprocessed foods).

How it will change your life

Taking care of myself saved me from severe burnout. It was difficult for me to slow down during the day and take care of myself, so I began to get up earlier. I began to devote one hour to myself and created my own morning ritual to start the day on a positive note. And this positive, in turn, charges all areas of life.

I used to feel disgusting getting up to work in the morning. Now I do it with pleasure because I look forward to a pleasant activity: going to the gym, podcasting, or meditation. I noticed that overall I feel happier, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the good things in my life.

I also lost 5.5 kilograms in eight weeks, although I went to the gym less often. I just cut down on my daily stress and started eating better. I used to put a lot of stress on the body with a stressful lifestyle and training too often. And because of such stress, I did not lose weight, but gained weight.

So my secret to losing weight is stress reduction, moderate exercise, and mindful eating! The change in attitudes towards sports also helped. I used to train just to look good, but now health is more important to me.

Another important part of daily self-care is a gratitude journal. Write down what you want to say thank you to life and the people around you. This helps you find joyful moments every day and pay more attention to your loved ones. And meditation reduces stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts.

Through taking care of myself, I noticed repetitive anxious thoughts that constantly pulled me backward and made me feel inferior.

Now I see that such thought patterns are essentially just bad habits. And you can get rid of them. And it boosts self-confidence tremendously.

If you, too, are accustomed to neglecting your own interests for the sake of work and others, chances are you are doing yourself more harm than good. Remember what they say on the plane: "In case of depressurization of the cabin, first put on an oxygen mask on yourself, then on the child."

After all, if you don't take care of yourself first, you will lose consciousness and will not be able to help others. And this applies not only to emergency situations, but also to everyday life.
