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7 tips from famous women to inspire you to take care of yourself
7 tips from famous women to inspire you to take care of yourself

The better you take care of your health, the better your chances of living a full, long life.

7 tips from famous women to inspire you to take care of yourself
7 tips from famous women to inspire you to take care of yourself

1. Don't let anyone or anything stop you on your way to your goal

Catherine Schwitzer is the first woman to officially compete in the Boston Marathon. During the race in 1967, they tried to force her out of the race, because women were not allowed to participate. But that didn't stop Katrin. Her photographs made headlines, and the fact itself went down in history.

To change public attitudes, Schwitzer has organized races for women in 27 countries. More than a million women took part in them. This convinced the International Olympic Committee to include the women's marathon in the 1984 Olympic Games.


Katrin Schwitzer marathon runner

The journalists said that I was ahead of my time. But if you don't get ahead of it, that time will simply never come.

When someone or something tries to stop you on the way to your goal, do not let you get in the way. Remind yourself that you can achieve whatever you want.

2. Take time for yourself

When you need to combine work, family, hobbies and many other things, it is very difficult to find time for yourself. But you will only get better when you start putting your well-being first. This is what Payal Kadakia, the creator of the ClassPass fitness subscription, says.


Payal Kadakia Creator of ClassPass

We are constantly under pressure from the outside, which is why it is so important to find time for yourself. Otherwise, you can forget what you are fighting for and what you are striving for.

The next time you're going to cancel your evening workout to get things done, stop. These cases can wait. Your health and wellness is not.

“Find what inspires you,” advises Kadakia. "Not a single day should be wasted."

3. Strive for more, but don't overdo it

World Obstacle Marathon Champion Amelia Boone was recently injured while preparing for the competition of her dreams. The dream had to be postponed, but Amelia is not going to give up. This incident taught her that it is sometimes helpful to take a break.


Amelia Boone marathon runner

I realized that you can get hurt if you constantly work to the limit. At some point, you will break.

"You have to put up with the physical and psychological consequences," says Boone. - In sports, you need to constantly improve and strive for more, but sometimes a fall is inevitable. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a professional athlete."

4. Do what you love, not what others impose

Even if everyone goes to yoga or bike aerobics, you don't have to sign up for the same classes.


Meghan Markle actress

Whatever difficulties or complexes you try to overcome, be yourself. Create your own rules. Don't feel like you need to adjust to something.

Do what you love. This applies not only to sports, but to life in general. Always choose your own path.

5. Don't be afraid to acknowledge your accomplishments

If you are successful, such as losing weight or running a kilometer for the first time, feel free to share it. Don't let anyone take away your pride in your victories. Even if they are very small.


Jessica Mendoza Olympic Softball Champion

I've always been taught to be humble. When people ask me if I can do something well, I answer “okay”. But familiar men usually say "good", even if it is not. We are still constrained by the framework in which society places us.

6. Try new things

Yes, it's scary. Especially when you're not sure if you can handle it. But it's important to start. You will probably do more than you thought.

“Every time I go to a workout that seemed overwhelming to me, I become a better leader,” says Kadakia. - It helps me overcome difficulties at work and in my personal life. And these difficulties open up new opportunities."

7. Don't try to handle everything alone

When you don't succeed, share with loved ones and ask for help.

“It's easy to talk about pleasant things, to talk about your victories. But it's much harder to open up when something goes wrong, says Boone. "I would really like more women to talk frankly about their difficulties."

Don't keep everything to yourself. Ask for help. Surely your loved ones will share thoughts and advice with you.
