Mosaic Notebook: as simple as three pennies
Mosaic Notebook: as simple as three pennies
Mosaic Notebook: as simple as three pennies
Mosaic Notebook: as simple as three pennies

The design bureau ate the dog on the release of all sorts of paper notebooks. The turn came to the smartphone. The studio took the same approach - pencil, paper, thought. And nothing more. It turned out the Mosaic application. It has no settings at all. And at the same time, there is everything you need.

Sometimes simplicity is the best competitive advantage. Mosaic is a mind notepad and rudimentary to-do planner. By tapping on the "+" button, a project card is started. During the day or even a week, you can write down thoughts on the project there, as well as add photos.


Each thought is recorded in a separate block. It can be removed or moved up and down. To do this, you need to click on the block, and it immediately becomes ready to move. You can also swap and projects. There are no settings in the application at all. Therefore, you will have to get used to the gloomy design or delete the application.

Sometimes funny things come out quite unexpectedly. Here, for example, is how Mike Tyson's torso is combined with the figure of a stranger sitting in the subway. Maybe the developers in the future will make a so-called pivot, and instead of a notepad, we will see a game application. In the meantime, this is a notebook - simple and concise.
