27 tips to help you sleep better
27 tips to help you sleep better

Sleep disturbance is fraught with absent-mindedness, irritability, and decreased productivity. And chronic insomnia can lead to more serious problems such as sleep apnea. Try these simple guidelines and you will sleep like a baby.

27 tips to help you sleep better
27 tips to help you sleep better

A person spends a third of his life on sleep. And this is good, because sleep is a natural physiological process necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In a dream, we restore strength, “digest” the information accumulated during the day and fight diseases.

1. Hang up

Not only children, but also adults should observe the sleep and wakefulness regimen. Determine your best hang-up time and stick to it strictly, even on weekends.

2. Rise

Set not only the hang-up time, but also the rise time. Otherwise, the balance will be upset. Been in bed an hour longer? Falling asleep at the right time will be very difficult.

3. Diary

One of the main causes of poor sleep is stress. We go to bed with a lot of bad thoughts in our heads. Because of this, we cannot fall asleep for a long time and we sleep very restlessly. To fix the situation, start and at the end of the day tell him about anything that worries or saddens you. Psychologists have proven that journaling helps you focus on the positive, not the negative, aspects of life.

4. Magnesium

Another factor affecting our sleep is magnesium. Its deficiency leads to sleep disturbances. That is why it is recommended to eat foods rich in magnesium. For example, spinach or pumpkin seeds.

5. First aid kit

Medication can sometimes cause poor sleep. If you are taking any pills and notice that you have begun to sleep worse, read the annotation carefully. Are there any side effects of insomnia?

6. Coffee

Caffeine lowers adenosine levels, which makes it difficult for a person to calm down and fall asleep quickly. A cup of this invigorating drink with dinner can lead to insomnia or poor sleep quality. Therefore, try to drink coffee only in the morning.

7. Technology

To understand what exactly is preventing you from sleeping properly, turn to modern technology. There are mobile applications and special devices (Zeo Personal Sleep Coach, Wakemate, and others) that help track the duration and quality of sleep. For example, there is a Sleep Cycle app for iOS, and SleepBot for Android.

8. Sleep rate

The optimal duration of sleep varies from person to person, but it is believed that on average 7–8 hours is enough for normal life. Sleep disturbance leads to increased levels of cortisol (death hormone) and various serious diseases. Therefore, try to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

9. Bonus

Have you had a difficult week? Did you go to bed after midnight? Give yourself the bonus of an extra hour of sleep to rejuvenate and get back on track.

10. Siesta

A short afternoon nap is very beneficial for your health. But only a short one - no more than 30 minutes. If you doze longer, sleep will go into a deep phase - it will be difficult to wake up and get back to business.

11. Yula

Can't sleep? Do not toss and turn from side to side like a whirligig. Better get out of bed and do some quiet activity. For example, read or listen to the lounge.

12. Pets

Many people like to sleep with their beloved cat or dog. But in terms of healthy sleep, this is a bad idea. You can fall asleep in an embrace with Barsik, but then it is better to drive him to his place.

13. Alarm clock

Many people keep an alarm clock on the bedside table (and if the phone is playing it, then right under the pillow), which is actually a mistake. Keeping track of time is like being on edge. And stress, as you remember, is equal to a bad dream.

14. Curfew

Also, many spend the evening buried in a computer monitor or sitting in front of the TV. Then they turn them off and fall into bed. But if you are striving for really healthy sleep, then 2-3 hours before lights out, arrange a curfew for all gadgets. The time before bed is necessary for relaxation.

15. Bedroom

Your brain should automatically associate the bedroom with relaxation. Therefore, please use this room for its intended purpose. You need to relax in bed. The bedroom is about sleep and sex, not work and the Internet.

16. Comfort

For a good sleep, you need to create comfortable conditions: buy a comfortable mattress, hang blackout curtains on the windows, eliminate sources of noise that interfere with sleep. Sleep not alone? Talk to your partner about the factors that affect your sleep and theirs, and create a comfortable environment for both of you.

17. Temperature

16-24 ºС - this should be the temperature in the bedroom. In a stuffy and too hot room, a person often wakes up and falls asleep worse.

18. Light

Bright lighting, and sometimes "harmless" TV light, can also create problems with sleep. If it is impossible to eliminate light sources, then so that they do not interfere with your rest, use a sleep mask.

19. Training

Exercise not only builds strength and endurance, but also improves sleep quality. We are talking, in particular, about aerobic exercise, saturating the body with oxygen.

20. All in good time

Sports improve the quality of sleep, but you should end your workout at least 2 hours before lights out. After all, physical exercise saturates the body not only with oxygen, but also with adrenaline, which is a bad sleeping pill.

21. Muscle relaxation

Before going to bed, it is better to do the so-called muscle relaxation. It consists in alternately tensing and relaxing different muscle groups. Stretched the muscles of the legs, counted to five, relaxed; strained the press, one-two-three-four-five, exhale and so on. This procedure can be done while lying in bed. In addition, meditation helps prepare the body for sleep.

22. Walking

Another secret to a good sleep is evening walks. Even if it is not very warm outside and you are too lazy to get ready, overcome yourself. You will be surprised how much better you will sleep at night if you walk half an hour before bed.

23. Hot shower or bath

Before going to bed, the body needs to relax, so before heading to the kingdom of Morpheus, pamper yourself with a spa treatment. A hot shower or bath can help relieve stress and make you sleepy.

24. Music

Besides the bath, music has a very calming effect on the body. Classical, folk or jazz - each has its own harmonious melodies. Find the kind of music that brings you peace and listen to it before bed.

25. Lavender

Fragrances also affect sleep quality. Lavender is a great remedy for insomnia. Use scented candles or essential oils to infuse your bedroom with lavender scent.

26. Heat

As you already know, it should be cool outside, but inside, on the contrary, it should be warm. Drink a glass of warm milk, cocoa, or tea before bed and you'll feel sleepy right away.

27. Chamomile tea

By the way, about tea. This is grandma's remedy for sound and healthy sleep. Chamomile has a calming effect, which means it helps fight the main cause of poor sleep - stress.

What do you do to sleep well?
