Cool fat burning workout of the day that only takes 20 minutes
Cool fat burning workout of the day that only takes 20 minutes

You will have to sweat, but the calorie costs will be insane.

Cool fat burning workout of the day that only takes 20 minutes
Cool fat burning workout of the day that only takes 20 minutes

The workout includes movements for all muscle groups and pumps the hips especially well. Due to the intensity and a little rest, the heart rate remains high throughout the entire workout.

If you have the strength to do it as prescribed, in just 20 minutes you can burn about 200 kcal and increase your energy consumption for some time after class.

Do each exercise of the complex for 45 seconds and move on to the next without rest. If the movement is performed with one leg, do 20 seconds each. When finished, rest for one minute and start over. Do 4-5 laps.

The workout consists of five exercises:

  1. Jumping from a lunge with a knee extension.
  2. Two lunges and a squat.
  3. "Legs together - legs apart" in the lying position and squatting.
  4. Squat walking.
  5. From an emphasis lying to a "slide" with push-ups.

If you can't hold out for 45 seconds, reduce your work time by one-third, or add 15 seconds of rest between exercises. This will slightly reduce your energy consumption for the workout, but it will allow you to finish it without long stops.
