Table of contents:

5 circles of hell: fun workout for active fat burning
5 circles of hell: fun workout for active fat burning

Iya Zorina promises: you will lose 200-300 kcal and tone the muscles of the whole body.

5 circles of hell: fun workout for active fat burning
5 circles of hell: fun workout for active fat burning

How to do a workout

You do the exercise for 40 seconds and rest for the next 20 seconds. Then move on to the next movement on the list and do it in the same way.

  • Jumping "legs together - legs apart" standing and squatting.
  • Push-ups with raising arms and legs.
  • Burpee with lunges.
  • Holding the boat.

When you finish the last exercise, rest for the prescribed 20 seconds and start over. In total, you need to complete five circles - this will take 20 minutes. If you can't catch your breath in 20 seconds, change your work and rest time to 30/30.

How to do exercise

Jumping "legs together - legs apart" standing and in the squat

Keep your arms in front of you, alternate four jumps while standing and four in a squat. Jump on half-toes, do not put your heels on the floor. Be guided by your feelings: if you can sit up to the parallel of the hips with the floor, do it.

Push-ups with raising arms and legs

After lifting from a push-up, simultaneously raise the opposite arm and leg. Alternate them every other time.

Burpee with lunges

Squat down, fold your arms in front of you, straighten your back. From this position, lunge back, first with one and then with the other.

Then, with a jump, go to the support position and lower yourself, touching the floor with your chest and hips. Get up and jump to the starting position.

Holding the boat

Lift your shoulder blades off the floor, keep your feet low. Try to endure the entire 40 seconds, but if the press fails, lower yourself for 2-3 seconds, and then continue.

To make it easier to keep track of your work and rest time, download a tabata timer with sound alerts. Or follow along with me in the video below.
